News - Which Gun Is The Best Gun Warzone 2 Zombies. Lockwood 680 Vs Tyr Akimbo - With Loadouts



YouTube I'm Ben players games guys, and today I'm back bringing you another Banger MW3, zombies article. This time I'm bringing you a breakdown and battle of the two best guns in the game, by far, and by the end of the article. I hope to determine which is the best out of the two guns for you guys that takes the crown as the ultimate weapon to use in MW3, zombies.

Finally, make sure to share the article with your friends that you play zombies with so that they too know which is the ultimate gun to use in MW3, zombies. Without further ado, guys, let's get into this insane battle of the titanic weapons of MW3, zombies. I hope you've got your popcorn or your meal ready to eat, because this is going to be an absolute banger.

Let's get into it.



Throughout the article, we're going to give each a point where it is better than the other in several categories that I've decided to rank the guns in. I will decide which one is better in each category using a 1 to 5 system where each gun gets a score of 1 to 5, and whichever is the highest will get the point for that category.

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I'm sure this sounds quite complicated, but as the article goes on, it will make much more sense to you guys, so the categories are the following: We've got range, ammunition consumption, and efficiency. Damage early game, tier one zones mid game, which is tier 2 zones, end game, which is tier three, and the dark ether, and then we've got five effectiveness categories, which are effectiveness against the following enemies we've got: Effectiveness against zombies Effectiveness against mini-bosses Effectiveness against human AIS, effectiveness against mega bombs, and effectiveness against worms So our first category is the range.


The Lockwood has an insane range in comparison to the Tyr, which is why I've scored the loid range at five, whereas I've given the Tyr a two, as the range simply does not live up to anywhere near the range of the Lockwood. This means our first point goes to Lockwood, making the score one to Lockwood, moving on to ammo consumption and efficiency.

Ammo consumtion/effeciency

Ammo consumtion/effeciency

The Lockwood, when packed, has a magazine size of 20 whereas the T-A Kimbo mags do not grow when packed, meaning you can never have more than five ammo in the magazine of the tyrs.

Second, from personal experience, I've never run out of ammo when using the Lockwood; however, I have run out of ammo on several occasions when using the tire. This is why in the ammunition, consumption, and efficiency category, I have scored the Lockwood as a four, whereas I've scored the Tyr as a three.

This means our second point does in fact also go to the Lockwood, making the score 2-0 to the Lockwood, progressing on to arguably the most important category and probably the only category a lot of you guys care about who is watching we have In the damage category, for me, this is a no-brainer.


While the Lockwood does significantly more damage than most other guns in the game, the Kimbo does significantly more damage than the Lockwood. Therefore, I have scored the tire damage as a six; it's off the scale. Seriously, the damage these two guns do should be illegal in any article game, and the Lockwood gets a four, so the damage point does go to the tyr akimbo, making the score 2-1 to the Lockwood. Next up, we're going to be moving into the gameplay categories, and firstly, we are starting with the early game tier one zone.

Early game / tier 1 zone

Early game / tier 1 zone

For me, this one was quite easy, as a lot of the time, when you first load into the game, you may not have all the perks. specifically speed Coler, speed Coler is essential for using the te tyrs due to their low magazine capacity; you're always having to reload them, and also damage isn't as important for me in tier one as it becomes in tier 2 and tier 3 and onwards.

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Therefore, for the early game, I've given the tyr a three and the Lockwood a four. This means our fourth point goes to the Lockwood, making the score 3-1 to the Lockwood. The fifth category is mid game tier 2 zone.

Mid game / tier 2 zone

By the time you get to the Tier 2 Zone, you will have completed some contracts yourself.

You have gotten yourself some perks and are getting into the game nicely. Hopefully, by this point, you have also acquired Speed Cola from your Rift reward and Tier 2. Damage also becomes a little bit more important than it was in Tier One; therefore, due to those points. I have given the Lockwood A3, but I am given the Tyr A4 in this category, meaning our fifth point goes to the Tyr Akimbo, making the score 32 for Lockwood.

End game / tier 3 & dark aether

End game / tier 3 & dark aether

The sixth category is endgame Tier 3 and the Dark Eternal, both normal and elder. By the time you get to the end of the game, you will most likely have all the perks in the game, and damage has now become the most important factor, as when a few Transit sprinters in these zones lock on to you guys who play Black Ops 2, you know what I mean when I say Transit sprinters. Moving swiftly on to the seventh category, though, is the effectiveness against zombies.

Effectiveness against - zombies

Effectiveness against - zombies

As this is a general zombie category and not specific to zone. I'm using the three previous categories to rank this, and this is why, to keep it simple. I'm giving the Lockwood a three and the T A Kimbo is going to get another five, meaning our seventh point goes to the Tyr akimbo.

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This gives the team the lead for the first time now, making the score 43.

Effectiveness against - minibosses

The eighth category is the effectiveness against mini bosses, which specifically mimics manglers and disciples. Lockwood is extremely good at defeating all mini bosses that the game has to throw at you; however, the tyr just does it better as the main thing we're dealing with mini bosses is the damage you're outputting.

Therefore. I score the Lockwood at a four because it is solid against mini bosses, but the tyr does get a five, which again once again means I'm giving this point to the tyr Akimbo, which gives the tyr Akimbo a lead of 53.

Effectiveness against - human ai

The ninth category is effectiveness against human AI enemies such as mercenaries, grunts, and elites.

You get the point. Although the tyr one-shots most of these enemies, its range is very limited, and the enemies can quickly take you down if you get too close to them. However, the Lockwood also one-shots most of these enemies from a much more forgiving range. Therefore. I've ranked the tyrs as a two here because they're really not that effective at all at taking out mercenary camps and stuff like that, but the Lockwood does get a four because it's absolutely solid at this, which means the point for this category does go to the Lockwood, making the score currently sitting at 54 for the tyrs. The penultimate category in our Battle of the Titans is the effectiveness against ether worms.

Hey Guys! Today I'm bringing you what I believe is the best and ULTIMATE gun that you can possibly use right now in Call of duty Modern Warfare 3 Zombies.
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