News - Where Is Ground War On The Channel. How I Feel About Ground War Warzone 2. 1440p Hq


Rounds per minute where the MTZ Interceptor shines is in someone's hands who is very accurate and takes their time picking off their targets, and at any range the reason I say it like this is because the MTZ Interceptor can One-Shot head shot across the entire map you don't have to put any damage range increasing attachments on the gun as a matter of a fact it two shots to the body across the entire map so if you're trying to Kit the gun out for damage range you're wasting your time just kit it out for bullet velocity so that way you can basically have a hit scan weapon and it's going to be so powerful I'm telling you guys right now that the empt is the interceptor; it's so powerful in war zones, and in ground war, it's even better, absolutely.

Busted, and most of the other marksman rifles fall into the same category because they are just three-shot kills across, like the entire map at most. So yeah, there is a very noticeable difference whenever you factor in guns, like, let's say, a bass B that takes six shots to kill across the map or something like that or the MC W that takes seven.

And you have to factor in recoil control, bullet velocity, and all these other kinds of things, but with most of the marksman rifles, they don't have much recoil and they kill in such few shots, so the recoil, or not the recoil, but the weapon balance in Modern Warfare 3 is just for ground war. Streaks—I mean, they're nowhere near as damaging as Modern Warfare 2.


Okay, the kill streaks in this version of ground, war, the only ones that are going to net you a ton of kills are going to be like the stealth bomber, the gunship, etc. Yeah, the stealth bomber and the gunship, because let me explain the swarm; it just doesn't do much, okay? The veto gets shot down way too fast; it barely has any health.

Same thing with the OverWatch Hilo, so the OverWatch Hilo kind of stinks. The chopper gunner has no health as well, so why would you ever use the chopper gunner over the gunship when the gunship is invincible to bullet damage? The advanced UAV is obviously going to be very powerful. Same thing with the EMP, which, by the way, is broken in ground war, which I honestly feel like a cheese ball whenever I run it because if you don't know if you save your EMP until you die and you call it in and you're running score streaks, it will basically earn all of your streaks without you having to get any kills, and you can just infinitely do this for the rest of the match.

There are a lot of players doing this right now, and if you're wondering how so many enemies are getting so many streaks in your lobbies and there's a lot of emps going off, that's why, yeah, the EMP right now is absolutely broken in ground, but the other streaks just aren't really that rewarding. It kind of stinks because in Modern Warfare 2, I felt there were a lot of different street combos I could run, and I would get a lot of kills based off of that.

Of course, map design has to play with that a little bit, and the overall streak health and stuff have to play with that as well. Well, but I just find myself not really feeling rewarded other than with a stealth bomber gunship, an EMP, or an advanced UAV. I feel like those are the only things in Ground War that are really worth running, and I actually enjoy running, so it's just a lack of variety.

The map design, you know. I mean. Again, my streaks aren't going to have as much of an impact because I can't run Vetle Chopper Gunner and Gunship and clear them all out like I could last year because of Vetle, and Vetle is a 10-kill streak. Chopper Gunner has a 12-kill streak, and F is just not worth it anymore because of how fast it's going to get shot down and all that kind of stuff, so yeah, in my opinion, ground war is not a bad game mode.

It's basically the same thing as last year, really, just with extra health and worse weapon balancing because of the extra health and how quick the damage drop-offs are. And will I be playing a lot of ground war this year? I'm sorry guys, I won't be doing it, but I will say this: all of my tips and tricks from Modern Warfare 2 basically apply to this game.

It plays the exact same, the spawns are going to be the exact same as how they worked last year, and the transport system is still there. All the vehicles that you can spawn on are still there, so the game play is just going to be sniper-heavy with the exact play of Modern Warfare 2. Anyway, hopefully you guys enjoyed it.

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