News - What Will Warzone 2 Zombies Be Like A Year

modern warfare zombies

Baby, it is their game mode mod; they can do what they want with it, and Activision can call the shots for Infinity Ward, so DMZ is on end-of-life support now, and it makes you wonder what could happen here if this mode is successful enough. We can only hope that the mode stays afloat; at least it is another zombies title for people to play after all, which should hopefully be continued to be updated with a small team maybe, but simply taking a glance at how DMZ is now and the small, brief history, you know, the only other extraction shooter game mode we've had from Cod, and then looking at this one that's in its infancy right now.

I'm sure you can understand where the fear comes from. I'm not saying this has to last forever because live services aren't built to last forever, but they aren't built to last for a year either, so it makes me wonder if, at any point in this game's life cycle. Activision may decide to just pull the plug and not let this game keep on keeping on because it's not making enough money or it's not getting enough engagement.

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I don't know why Cod's live service game modes so far seem to be so unpredictable. The only exception to that is War Zone, and that's because it's, you know, a battle royale; it's a big Cash Cow. We won't see War Zone go away for a very long time, so let's just hope that Modern Warfare zombies can not only improve in their quality but also actually stay alive and get on their own two feet.


Going back to what I was saying at the beginning of this article, the date this will go out is probably January 23, 2024. That is, if I manage to finish the editing, it's going great so far. Wish me luck. I've covered the content drops. I've covered where the game started and what its development is like, but now we take a look forward to what Modern Warfare Zombies will be like in a year, on January 23, 2025, which means that's not a real date.

Okay, that's not real right now, whoever you talk to about MWZ, and from things you'll see on the internet as well, it seems like there's this fear that the game is going to completely collapse, and it's not unfounded because I know that this is something I worry about. I enjoy this game mode, and I want to see it developed far into the future, and so far it's going well.

mw3 zombies

We're getting good updates, good content, and sometimes questionable design choices, but hopefully they'll be worked on, and that's what sparked me to make this article. I don't think we can get a good, accurate idea of where this new style of game mode for COD zombies could end up in a year or where it will fit in with the much larger collection of zombie modes we've had, considering it's a fully live service.

Unlike the rest of them, there are some huge issues, like the constant need for updates unless they implement something that will be a forever type of update. It could keep a good gameplay loop going, and we kind of have that with the ether Rifts, but I think a bit more depth would be really appreciated.

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Then we have the server Crashers, where the free stuff is really appreciated, definitely, but the problem is people are going to get that free stuff, take it out with them, and then potentially lose it again, but if these things get addressed and if more gets added to the game, and most importantly, it keeps getting worked on past Treyarch's release of COD 2024.

mw3 zombies 2024

This would serve as a good alternative to the round bas style mode Treyarch is most likely going to be bringing us, but on that date, a year later, like I've said. I think it's going to shift the focus, and it might not become a dead game, but I think we're all going to for sure notice a step back in the nurturing of this game mode with the time and effort put in, but we'll have to wait until next year, the 23rd of January 2025.

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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Zombies could be completely different in a year, wether that be for better or worse.
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