News - What Happens If You Pack-a-punch The Chainsaw Aftermarket Part Warzone 2 Zombies

And to me, that's a positive because I thought it was going to be the case that if you upgrade this chainsaw, you're not going to do any more damage to the zombies; it's not going to make any difference to what you're doing, but it does seem like you actually are going to do a little bit more damage every time you upgrade this gun, which means we might be able to take it into the Tier 3 Zone and see what it's going to be like at Tier 3, hopefully.

cod zombies

Okay, so I've jumped into the tier three zone to actually see what sort of damage we can do and just see if it's actually going to do any sort of damage to the tier three zombies, which it doesn't look like it's going to; it looks like we might need to take up the rarity of the gun before we start trying to actually use this in the tier 3, and ah, it's not the it's not it's not great.

Yeah, it's really, yeah, it's really not great. We definitely need to upgrade the rarity of this to even test it in the Tier 3 Zone because the Tier 2 Pack-A-Punch, a legendary tool, just isn't strong enough at all. Okay, guys, so we finally got enough cash to go to Tier 3 Pack-a-Punch, the chainsaw legendary a at all.

Let's go ahead, Chuck it on, and let's see if we can now actually use this in the Tier 3 Zone or not. That's basically the main question of why we are even in Tier 3, and it doesn't really look like it's going to be doing crazy damage to any of the zombies. Yeah, by no means does this seem like it's going to be doing crazy damage to any zombies anytime soon, which is unfortunate.


I was kind of hoping in Tier 3 it might be a little bit usable—not anything crazy—but I was kind of hoping it'd be usable, but it doesn't really seem like it is going to be that usable. If I'm totally honest, let's just go ahead and find some more zombies. Let's see how quickly we can get through them.

I mean, let's say you've got a whole horde of zombies around you. This gun is just not going to be viable. Is it it's not going to be. The option that you're trying to use is fun to use. Don't get me wrong. It is kind of fun to use, but by no means is it actually good or powerful. The thing that I will say, though, is that even when there are a few around me, the zombies don't seem to be hitting me that much.

modern warfare

It's very rare that the zombies actually get a solid hit on me, which is kind of impressive, but this just isn't something that's actually going to be useful to you guys in Tier 3. Zone like it's really not going to be a great strategy to use when we had things like the under barrel for the flamethrower and stuff; they were actually pretty decent, but they weren't amazing because they ran out of ammo very quickly, and of course the chainsaw can't run out of ammo and it doesn't overheat or anything like that.

But the chainsaw just doesn't do that much damage, which is kind of annoying. Really I'm a little bit I'm a little bit disappointed. I was kind of hoping it was going to be a little bit better than what it is, but I kind of get why it's not because if you could just melt through zombies with that, it could make Tier 3 very, very easy, but unfortunately.

It's just not as strong or as powerful as I'd have liked to have seen the chainsaw. And to be honest, the only time that the chainsaws actually felt viable in any of the zones was just in Tier 1, which is basically where every single gun is viable. But I will say, though, that I do still enjoy the fact that they are adding cool aftermarket parts like this to the game.

modern warfare zombies

I think it's a cool addition to have a chainsaw have an underbarrel, which is a flamethrower, and things like that. I think it's a very cool thing they're adding to the game. I hope we carry on seeing more. I just hope they make them a little bit more powerful as zombies. I get why they're not super powerful because, in multiplayer, they could be really annoying.

In War Zone, they could be really annoying, but why not just boost it a little bit in Zombies, where it's actually about to take down a lot of the zombies that are in the game with no problems? Because, you know, it's kind of disappointing that using these aftermarket parts and stuff in zombies doesn't really do much damage to the zombies.

It's not great when you get up to those higher tiers. In a situation like this where I have to use my gun, I just know the chainsaw is not going to be good enough to do it, which is why I end up pulling out the gun rather than the chainsaw. So yeah, to be honest, I'm a little bit disappointed with how good the chainsaw is.

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I was kind of hoping it'd be a little bit better, but again, I hope they keep adding more things like this into the game so we can go ahead. Pack-a-Punch them Try them out to see if they're actually any good or not, because it is a fun thing to have in the game. What do you think of the chain? Do you think it's good?

Do you think it's worth adding to the game? Or is it literally a pointless addition? I do appreciate you guys watching all the way to the end. I hope you have enjoyed it. It was a fun one for me to go ahead and try out using a new gun or a new aftermarket part within the game. It's just unfortunate; it wasn't any crazy weapon.

Like I said, go and check out some more articles on the channel. I hope you have an amazing rest of your day, and I will catch you guys all in the next one in a bit.

Pack-A-Punching the chainsaw Aftermarket Part in MW3 Zombies What Happens. What Happens if you Pack-A-Punch the chainsaw Aftermarket Part in MW3 Zombies.
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