News - Warzone Update Review (criticism)


that doesn't feel like it's the case there we go we moved the mic away from the cat so hopefully she will stop h that now I again just like with the equipment I felt very overwhelmed by the UI and the pink system and the map and I couldn't quite get a feel for what was going on around me, and again I thought I was just being a boomer but then I went back and played Apex and well that was fine and I played Battlefield and well that was fine and I played the finals and I keep track of people while they're flying around with no map, but somehow in war zone I'm on The Struggle Bus and I don't know if that's just a me problem or not and then finally the last boomerism before we get back to technical complaints.

There's some degree of inconsistency. In gunfights. I mentioned this in the good part, and I suspect it has a lot to do with the new body multipliers and head shots, and the initial balance of some of the weapons might lead to some unexpected ones killing quite quickly if you're hitting the upper chest and up because of the multiplayer.

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Multipliers, I should say, which are not present in multiplayer, are two words I conflated. So my gunfights sometimes feel perfectly normal and satisfying. Even when I lose. I realize that you know they shot first, they hit me more times, they had a couple of head shots in there or something like that, and then other times I just lose and have no idea why I lost.

I just get melted. There's been so many times, and I run into this a lot in the goo where it's 1V. I'll shoot first; I'll straight up crack those plates; I'll get one or two of those squishy body shots in so they're at. I don't know, half maybe 2nd health; and then I'll just straight up explode; all my crates plates will crack, and I'll just die like I just wasn't even in the same game as this other; it's really frustrating.

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It happens a lot; I don't know why it happens again; I don't know if that's a weird body multiplier balance meta thing or a lag thing, so well. I guess we'll find out in the long run; and then finally, two more short complaints. Number one is that skill-based matchmaking has returned in War Zone.


That should not be a surprise to anybody; for me, it's matching me based on my previous skill, which was quite high, not my current skill, which is quite low, so games are very challenging. I was actually watching T's stream the other day, and he was very upset by it, saying that his casual lobbies were harder, or at least the same as his ranked games like Diamond Plus Platinum Master and Top 500 that he was doing on Old War Zone 2.

He said that the lobbies he was playing here in casual mode were just about as competitive, but you're not getting any rewards for it. I agree; they're very competitive. I agree, we need some more rewards, and I think that we very simply need to drop ranked mode really soon. We need ranked mode for the sweats to go over there and play that and everybody else to just be able to have fun in casual mode, and then finally.


Due to my limited capacity and limited play time. I didn't get a chance to grind multiplayer and unlock a whole bunch of stuff, which means when I go to War Zone. I'm just fundamentally underequipped. I have fewer options and I'm behind, and I don't know if in the near future I'm ever going to be well enough to like grind enough daily challenges to feel that I'm getting enough stuff, so I'm probably going to be forever under kitted in War Zone, which is going to get increasingly frustrating as a meta begins to develop, so I have no idea how to get around that.

That's just like another boomerism of mine, all right guys. That's all for this article. I hope that you enjoyed it. I hope that you learned something useful.

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