News - Warzone: New Anti-cheat Update, Gameplay Update Patch Notes, More. Warzone 2 New Changes

The telemetry widget constantly reports NA, so right now you can't see your ping in the game. I've seen a lot of questions about this too. This update removed pings. We've got the best servers ever now, and it's just a visual bug. There will be your pingback at some point here in the near future, as well as the factory iron sight, the XRK, and the stalker.

modern warfare 3 update

It cannot be unlocked; you can't even put it into your armory to queue it up, so they're looking really excited to try that because it looks like the OG Ballista Iron Sites from BO2, so that should be a lot of fun. They also have some multiplayer and specific stuff. Saving a custom mod removes certain camos from the weapon.

They have a fix scheduled for this, I'm pretty sure. In the season 2 reloaded patch notes, they said they fixed this where you could save blueprints with Interstellar. Borealis, or whatever other Mastery camo tried it after the update still didn't work. I know a lot of players are also experiencing it, so they say another fix is scheduled, so we should see that update out soon.

In ranked play, they're still investigating the time stat not being properly tracked and hardpoints there either, and then in zombies, they're still monitoring how some players can lose their acquisition stashes. After you fill in or enter the zombies menu, which is obviously a huge issue, it's kind of concerning that that's been on the Trello for a long time now because that's really annoying to run into, and then, over on the war zone side of things, they once again do list that latency bug there with the na.

modern warfare iii

They also say weapon swap. We're investigating an issue with PR that prevents players from swapping weapons after they interrogate an enemy player, so just beware right now if you're going for an interrogation. It might mess up your weapons a little bit, so you may want to avoid doing that here and there, at least for the next couple of days in the final elimination.

Kill cam They're aware of an issue preventing smoke from appearing in that, so if you shoot somebody for through smoke for the final kill in the final kill cam, it's going to make you look very suspenseful that you might just be spraying into somebody, or it's going to make you look very bad because smoke will take away aim assist; he might just be spraying and praying and get a lucky shot that actually is that kill shot or something, so just a weird visual bug there, but that'll be updated.


For what it's worth, smokes also don't work in kill cams either, so maybe this fix, sort of, you know, ends up updating both of those scenarios. Also, for PC texture streaming, we're investigating an issue causing players to encounter low-resolution textures. I've personally just got this on ö stand a lot where my entire world looks like Playdoh, and then you have to restart your game to fix it unfortunately right now.

I have a crashing loop whenever I start my game, so it takes me 20 tries to boot up the game. That's always fun, but they are looking into the text, so even if you're playing with low graphics, you'll still get it, or if you're playing with ultra graphics, you'll still get it. Over on ranked play, the SR amount awarded for some Sr challenges shows incorrect; that's still going on right now, even though it was started a month ago, and the same is true with the SR disparity.

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