News - Warzone Is Adding Strange New Mechanics S1 Reloaded

I'm a little bit worried about the fact that there are five purchasable covert xils, and I'm a little bit worried about the fact that these weapons cases could kill off servers faster than we've anticipated, and if that does happen, they need to keep an eye on the Play account and potentially increase it per server to compensate for these players being lost to these little side quests, and for those of you asking about weapon balancing A weapon balancing update is going live tomorrow for the Interceptor, and there is probably going to be more weapon balancing in season 1 reloaded when that releases.

So folks, that's about it.

Call of Duty is adding brand new mechanics to Warzone as part of season 1 reloaded including the return of the champions quest nuke contract, weapons cases, covert exfils and more.
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