News - Warzone 2 Zombies Tombstone Duplication Glitch (season 2) After Patch. Warzone 2 Zombies

I was doing a lot of testing for you guys just to make sure that I could get this information right, and I'm telling you right now to make sure that you do not buy the tombstone, and then also if you guys can test the xfill method. I haven't had time to actually test the xfill method where you close the game on xfill, and if that actually does not count to your acquisition stash limit, just keep in mind that you will lose your Tombstone when you do that, so make sure that it's not at an important time for you if you're doing in-game content or what have you, but at this point in the article.

I'm going to paste in the solo method, which I actually just posted today, so I'm going to make sure that I include both for you guys, so if you play solo, don't worry. I got you covered. Let's get into it. All right, so let's get into the solo Tombstone duplication glitch. This one is pretty simple; it's similar to the team glitch, but there are some key differences.

dark aether

So first and foremost, in the duplication portion of this, you need to think of it as a duplication. a lot of people will say that it's not but I'm going to explain to you real quick why it is so let's just say hypothetically you have 50000 Essence and six items in your roack that are all gold if you come into this game after doing the glitch correctly you will always have 50, 000.

Essence, and six items in your inventory but there are a couple of key things that you need to do namely just like I was saying before you want to make sure that you are upping your money, whether that be from a friend or a contract so the first step to this glitch is you obviously want to buy Tombstone, so s so Tombstone is always the pinpoint in this glitch so make sure that you have it for this portion of the glitch but you also need to make sure once you're done with this portion of this glitch that you do not buy Tombstone, anymore so once you have your Tombstone Soda go ahead and find a buy station.

duplication glitch

Now, once you find yourself a buying station, go ahead and buy two rock sacks of the size that you want. This is a recommendation. However, it will save you 2 or 10, 000 points every single game, and I'm telling you, it will directly affect how often you are able to do this glitch or how convenient it is, so once you've done that.

I would highly suggest that if you're solo and you don't have, say, 500, 000 essence, or have you done one tier one contract on the edge of the map every so often? I do them every single game just because it's convenient because Tombstone costs 2, 000 Essence. Other than that, you are good to go because, just remember, every single time that you do the first portion of this glitch, you're going to be in whatever state that you're in right now, so if you start out with 50, 000 and you never do a tier one contract every single game that you do this Tombstone glitch, you will be in -2, 000 of that original 50, 000, amount if that makes sense.


So once you have your Tombstone and all of the items in essence that you want—in this case. I only care about items right now—what you want to do is go down with Tombstone, but there's a key point here that you need to watch out for. First of all, you need to give up, especially if you're not on a team or are just leaving.

I've already gone over that in this article, and then you want to make sure that you plead for help, so go down, give up, and plead for help. I would suggest doing this near some random people because people are very receptive. To actually pick you up, people are actually very nice in Modern Warfare Zombies, which is surprising because multiplayer is the exact opposite, but once they've picked you up, your tombstone is effective.


There now two things I want to outline before we close out and do the last step to this glitch number one you cannot buy Tombstone at this point all right so once you've gone down and gotten picked back up after pleading for health you cannot buy Tombstone again otherwise it will take a snapshot of wherever your inventory is there which is likely less, now to end games instead of X filling what you're going to do is go down by yourself do not plead for help and let the plead for help timer run out and then once it says eliminated go ahead and leave game and what that effectively will do is you will have a tombstone in the map with the same amount of items as when you first took your Tombstone, okay so let me just explain it in very fine detail for you if you have 50, 000 Essence and six items in your ruck sack and you go down and do the plead for help method like I just showed you and you can see I have my ruck sack there and I can immediately apply it to get my inventory spaces back as you can see if you do that correctly and then you leave the game after dying like I just did.


Then your tombstone will still be there with that $50,000 Essence in six items, and as you can see here, it works every single time; it's much easier than timing an xill. However, unfortunately, you can't just continuously duplicate items while you are solo, so again. I will put out articles daily, and I'll catch you guys next time.

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