News - Warzone 2 Zombies Tombstone Duplication Glitch. Aether Portal. After Patch. Warzone 2



Wesley is here, and today I'm going to be showing you guys the tombstone duplication and glitches, as well as how to bring your items through the Ether Portal. It's important to keep in mind that there are some key differences between this glitch and the previous Ether Portal glitch, so you can't bring every single item through.

As you did before, however. I'm going to show you guys the most optimal way of doing this glitch so that you can keep as many items as you want as well as make sure that you have backups so that you don't miss out on anything. Before we get started. I just want to say that if you have one of your particular items in your rock sack right now and you're limited on them or you just want to have extras, make sure that you do the original Tombstone glitch and stash it.

You'll see that here in a minute. If you want to skip that section, make sure that you just follow the article chapters; you can find them on the timeline below. But the reason for that is that only certain items come through the ether, including your cash and whatever items you have at the end of the ether, so I'm going to show you guys exactly what you need to do in order to keep all items.

You won't lose a single item, but you need to take that extra step if you want to keep all of your items from your original tombstone.

Duplication glitch

Duplication glitch

Enjoy , To know about, but you should know that if you want to do this glitch, it is still possible, so let's get into some of the requirements and go through what to do for this glitch. All right, so first of all, if you have a tombstone from before the season 1 reloaded update, you can keep repeating the xfill portion of this process, which we will go through in a minute on how to do that after the season 1 reloaded patch, but as you can see here.

barrier glitch

I have an absolute baller setup in my rucksack. But what do you want to make sure that you do if you still have that old tombstone? Is destroy it so that is Step number one but of course the first requirement to the Tombstone glitch is the wonderful Tombstone Park which has brought us the duplication glitch for I don't even know how long at this point so obviously go and buy that is 2, 000, essence you need that and then you want to go to any area in which it's very easy to pick up your Tombstone item so I just picked this roof in zone two I like zone two personally because it puts you in a good position wherever you spawn on the map to get here, as you can see.

I have just a baller set up in my rucksack, and I also suggest that you get a lot of money before you do this, so go check out the Instakill Storm Caller glitch if you want to do that. So what you want to do is obviously down yourself with Tombstone. So that is the second step to this glitch: go ahead and down yourself, and if you have a self-revive, like me, go ahead and just waste your money and use that self-revive, and then give up once you go back down.

So one thing to note here is that the difference now is that you need to wait for this plea for help timer to fully run out, and then we're going to do something else. So once it's run out, you're going to notice that the elimination sign comes up, and then it starts going through your XP. You want to quit whenever your XP starts showing up.


So here we are in the second game, right? So I've now come back into the game. There is my tombstone; it actually exists, and so you guys want to make sure number one that you go and destroy that tombstone. Right so here I am. I grabbed all those rare items. I mean, look at that rug sack; this is a ridiculous ruck sack.

One thing I do want to note though make sure that you put a large rucksack in your rucksack so that if you ever die, you can immediately get a large rucksack otherwise. If you always do successful X fills, you really don't need it, so I actually just ran to Tier 3 to go buy it. The last and final step to this glitch is that you're going to need an X fill at one of two places.

Number one, you can use the Doct Jansen X fills, which you can see with the star icon here. And when you lift off, you're going to go all the way up, and the screen will turn black, depending on what console you're on. Then you would press the buttons that are on screen for the PC. All you need to do is alt-f4, PS5.

It was previously thought that you needed to disconnect Wi-Fi and quit the game, but apparently you just need to hover over and quit the game. Whenever the screen turns black and then Xbox, you open up the Xbox menu. hover over the game, click Start, hover over Quit, and then as soon as it turns black, you just click Quick because you can see it in the background, but you can also do this at the bag signal, so make sure that whenever the bad signal animation comes up as soon as you enter, that is whenever you quit the game.

Aether portal method

Aether portal method

All right, so let's get into the Ether Portal section of this glitch. It's pretty simple to do, but there are a couple of rules. Number one, you want to go ahead, and if you already have an existing tombstone, which 99% of us do, you want to make sure that you grab whatever items you want out of it.

Now that I had a new operator, I bought that new duck skin, which is absolutely ridiculous. But so I have a small rucksack, so if you do and you don't have enough room for the items, just simply keep dropping them until you can actually destroy your tombstone. So go ahead and grab all the items that you need, and then also grab the Tombstone Perk.

That is a requirement; you already have the Tombstone Perk on your. Person, now that you've gotten all the requirements, make sure that you get, obviously, a sigil or an elder sigil. Obviously, if you're going into the ether, you need one of those, so I'm not even going to list that as a requirement, but go ahead and get yourself there.


Now, once you actually get into there, beware if you have a dog, because this scared me so much. He's just sitting there right in my face, and I've got a big old monitor. So anyway, go ahead and do whatever you want to do. Make sure that you grab whatever rewards you want to grab. Lots of people do the worm or whatever, so you can actually get good rewards from that or the elder sigil if you're using sigils to get into the first level, right?

but anyway, so I got. I have nothing important. I got a large rucksack, but what's important here is that the only items that actually will come through are your cash and then whatever items you have at the end, so that's why at the beginning of this article I suggested that you create a stash duplicate.


Of the items in your original Tombstone, therefore, you don't lose them, and then you can just come into the next game right after you're done with this and simply, you know, get all your items back, so what you want to do is down yourself and wait for the eliminated items, just like the original Tombstone you saw before.

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