News - Warzone 2 Zombies Tombstone Duplication Glitch. Aether Portal. After Patch. Warzone 2

If you watch that part of the article, you want to wait for the XP to come up, so down yourself and wait for the XP to come up, which is right there, and there I go. Now, when you come back, you're actually going to have a new tombstone, and it's going to be located in the graveyard, so if you play War Zone, that's at Academy Academy, which is up in the northeast.

You'll see it on the map, so you really don't need to know exactly where I am; just look for your Tombstone location, and that's literally it, guys. So what this will do is that you'll actually have the money and the items that you had at the end of the day. So what it does is, at the very least, if you're not happy with the fact that you can't have your original items right, just remember that if you created that duplicate stash, right then you have those items ready to go for the next game.

cold war

Just simply go and create another tombstone that's about 5 to 10 minutes worth of work, and then secondly, you have all the money, which is huge. I mean, let's be honest, you can go to the perk machine, buy every perk, you can buy a large rock, you can buy juggernauts, you can do other glitches, you can do whatever you want, but the alternative is that at that point you can obviously do the Xville glitch, and then at that point you have that.

I'd appreciate your support. Peace.

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