News - Warzone 2 Zombies - The Best Ar Makes The Tier 5 Zone Easy. Easy Solo Tier 5

You know, it's not really a challenge if you're using the best of the best stuff every time you know, but thing right here, man, super good, super fun to use, mobile with it a lot of damage output, fire rate's really nice, just look at how we're shredding that Mega Man, bunch of zombies here too in the tier five, and we are having no issues at all, haven't gone down yet, don't feel like we're about to go, down keep lighting him up there, we go Let's get a bit of distance from him.

Hopefully he uses another laser attack here; soon a critical spot will be open. This is going to charge for that beautiful Let's hit those critical shots. Come on there, we go think that's another face destroyed. Yep, very nice guy to light up that mangler a bit. I'm going to have to take that guy out here soon as well.

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Well, you have more shots at that, guy. All right, shoot at Mangler a bit. Here there, we go fight the megasee. That's what I love about being in this place, man. It's just full of action. If we're going to do it, he'll probably need one more laser attack for us to actually finish him. Yeah, there we go.

He's pretty close, though Mangler, of course, is very easy. Kill three more shots, and there we go, and we're about to get the mega here too. That should be it right here. Come on, all right. Let's back up. We are almost 1 HP there. We go see; no problem at all; got C. We don't really need any ammo mods to be honest.

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Look at that movement. Boy, there we go. We got the contract. Let's jump down here. Boom, now we just got to run up here. Take the zip up ahead. Let's try not to get downed by those zombies. There we go. Now that we're up there, we just have to throw a tazmir. Come back here. This guy's going to be an issue, so we'll have to take him out real quick.

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It couldn't be an issue. Maybe there we go—no problem at all. We should have thrown another Casmir. Yeah, all good, all good. Let's get that revived. Nice throw the blade took a bit too long to kill the mangler, but it's all good. That's why I always bring one extra self-revive when we're in Tier 5.

Zone, come on, there we go. That guy fell. Down all right from here, sometimes I like to just throw a Casmir from outside before we actually get into this area, but I think we'll be fine. There we go. Juke him out a bit now we just throw the Casmir and that's how you activate this one nice and easy there we go let's go ahead and equip the remaining Casmir and from up here you could actually just Chuck this thing over there think that would work Yeah, it does.

Let's take out this disciple. You'll probably have to throw another Casmir, but you know it's all good. No, maybe we'll see. No, we should be fine. Let's go, and there we go: contract complete, beautiful; see what we get; another signature; another dog bone schematic; another self-revive; let's call in the dog; it might as well be nice; all right, so I'll go ahead and pick up the Outlast contract.

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It's actually right back here. Just jump across, and it's going to be right over here. Take this bus just for you guys who are not very experienced with the dark ether. Pick this thing up from here. You can just run right over here and take this ZIP. Run into this building, and you can just activate the P&D device there.

We go quick and easy, and then you just have to run around here, man. You technically don't even have to fight off any zombies. I still will just because, you know, we're testing this gun out right; we want to see how well it performs, but you could theoretically just do this contract or even with Casmir; actually, you just bring in like one or two extra Casmir because you'll want Casmir anyways for the extractor missions, so if you just bring in like one or two extras, you could just kind of wait for them to stack up a bit of Chuck Casmir in this room, and you'll get a bunch of kills this way.

mw3 zombies solo

Yeah, this is probably the easiest contract of them all. I have this disciple here. Just look at how quick you kill disciples. Man, this thing's too good. Once again, great suggestion. Boys, keep the suggestions coming, man. I'll be sure to test out every weapon that gets suggested, and if they're good enough, they'll make it into articles.

There's been a couple that I did not deem as being article worthy, but you know, generally speaking, all the suggestions have been amazing so far. Let's go ahead and play it up a bit, and that should be contract-complete. Here we go, contract complete. Very nice that's a bunch of zombies right there.

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Let's Chuck a Casmir. There we go. We had that disciple right there. Too easy kills. See what we get here, Another plate schematic. All right. I'll have to rate this gun as a solid 9 out of 10; it's probably my favorite AR now. It definitely did better than the M3B, in my opinion, and better than the M13C, as well as definitely a laser beam man.

mw3 zombies solo dark aether

I love this thing, and I'll 100% start using it more often, but yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed it. If you did, be sure to drop a like or comment below if you guys have any suggestions for other weapons I should check out. I hope you guys have a wonderful day or night wherever in the world you are, and as always, goodbye.

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