News - Warzone 2 Zombies - This Gun Melts Everything. Easy Solo Schematics

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And welcome to a brand new MWZ article. For those of you who don't know, I make daily zombie articles, and in doing so, I come across rare schematics all the time. Since I have them all unlocked already, the best thing I can do is give them away to you guys. The winner of the golden plate dog bone ether blade and flawless ethereum crystal schematic from my last article is Fernando Bad, so congratulations.

I went ahead and sent you a friend request. Go ahead and accept that, and hit me up whenever you're free for those of you who still need the schematics. Someone by the name of Yuki Onza suggested a battle rifle from Modern Warfare 2: Lochman, 762. Now I've used the Lochman 762 a few times in the past, and I remember it being super powerful, so of course we had to check this thing out again.

If you guys have any other suggestions for weapons you'd like to see me check out, then drop a comment below. You4 Gam is a professional Call of Duty service provider, and they're currently offering a 50% discount on COD points and other discounts on Call of Duty codes. They'll help you unlock all the schematics.

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Mastery Camos and now even offer nuke services Be sure to use my code. Hip at checkout for an extra 5% off. The build we're using for the Lochman 762 is as follows: We got the LMK, 64 rear grip for increased Sprint fire speed and ad speed. The Lochman S9 Factory stock for increased Sprint speed and ad speed, we're using the FSS ol V laser for increased Sprint to fire speed and ad speed.

The Romeo FT16, the in-barrel for increased buet velocity and range, and last but not least, the 50-round drum mag. Now that we've covered the build I'm using for the Lochman 762, it's time to make our way into the Tier 3 Zone and the Tier 5 Zone to do some testing, and we're here in the Tier 3 Zone.

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As you can see, we got this bad boy in Pack 3, so we got it on single fire right now, and as you can see, we are doing an insane amount of damage with this thing, which seems to be like a three-tap. I guess we'll have to actually test that here soon. A bit more than that, but definitely doing a lot of damage.

Switch this thing to full auto, real quick. Yeah just look at that. This thing's insane. I got a mimic right here too. See how quickly we can take this guy out. Yeah, this thing absolutely shreds. We also have this bounty contract right next to us, so let's go ahead and pick that up. Hopefully, we get a Mega.


Abomination, maybe a disciple; let's see what we get. And it's a mimic. Okay, I would have preferred a mega, but a mimic is okay. Where's he going to be right there? Okay. I'm going to kill that guy real quick, and we'll probably do one more Bounty contract after that just to see if we can get a Mega Abomination Target, but if not, then we'll just go right over to Tier 5 Zone.

Yeah, man, just look at what the damage output on this thing is. Crazy, my, perfect for groups of zombies and great for roaming Elites; see how much damage we do to this bounty. Target; hopefully he gets a bit closer. Yeah, just look at his healing fire, man. That's crazy; this gun is insane. Let's keep lighting this guy up.

mw3 zombies

Back up a little bit. We have a bunch of zombies behind us. So let's actually take out that whole group. Just look at how quickly we went through that group. Man, I'm loving this thing. This thing is great. Once again, it's a Modern Warfare 2 gun. I don't know what it is, man, but the MW2 guns are just so good for zombies.

Let's keep lighting up this mimic. We're actually really close to killing it already. Just a few more shots, and there we go, contract complete. And there are no issues with taking this guy out. There we go. Let's take out those few zombies, Nice, and we got an extra self-revive cryo freeze, and PhD Flopper doesn't need any of those.

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There's another Bounty contract back there, so I'll make my way there. Hopefully we get a Mega this time, so yeah, overall mobility is great with this gun. Considering it's a battle rifle, we do actually have a roaming Mega right here. Let's get that guy's attention. See how quickly we can take this guy out; we'll do the Bounty contract right after, but you know it's normal; I always get carried away, man.

mw3 zombies best gun

Whenever I'm testing guns and I see a mega spawn somewhere, I just can't hold myself. Let's keep lighting this guy up. He already took off like a quarter of his health bar, so yeah, the damage output is definitely crazy on this gun. Overall, mobility is good. Reload speed is decent, too; it's just overall a great gun.

Let's go back here; just get a bit of distance. There's a lot of zombies right here, man. Let's actually kill a couple of them real quick, just so we don't have to deal with them. There we go. Hit those critical shots on the mega. Nice, got it back up here, about to go down. There we go; let's take these guys out.

Nice, Mega is right on us, so we got to get a bit of distance. Again, there we go. We also have to remember to pick up Ammo and throw that blade. Let's keep lighting this guy up. There should be some Ammo here, yep, perfect. Nice someone else is here too. I don't really want the help, but you're not going to complain.

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There we go. That's the laser attack we wanted. We're probably going to kill it with this laser attack, maybe almost, and there we go. He's dead now, beautiful. See what we get off this guy: a large bag and a three-plate I'll actually take the large bag just so I have that in my Tombstone, so when I down myself in the dark ether.

I'll have that for the next operator. I gear up. Let's quickly kill these two disciples, my man. That's crazy crazy. This thing's going to get nerfed, man. I swear, it has to. That's crazy good, all right, let's see if the contract's still there, it is, but it's looking like that guy there might be going for it, so if he does, we'll just there's actually another one right there, never mind, guess we'll do one more contract before we make our way into the Elder Dark Eternity, let's actually go look for some ammo real quick, okay yeah, there's some right here, there we go nice, got a little bit we good we good, and there we go got the contract, let's see what Target we get and it's a disciple, okay not bad not bad where is he going to be way back there?

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Okay, not too far from the portal at least, so it's all good, and there we go. The disciple is right here, and we also have a mangler. Nearby, I think we'll actually use a Casmir just to make this contract a bit less annoying. Out of all the, out of all the targets you can get, I swear disciples are the most annoying men.

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