News - Warzone 2 Zombies - You Need To Use This Gun. Easy Tier 3 & Tier 5 Solo

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For those of you who don't know, I make daily zombie articles, and in doing so, I come across rare schematics all the time. Since I have them all unlocked already, the best thing I can do is give them away to you guys. The winner of all the schematics for my last article is Nathan Simpson, so congratulations, my guy.

I went ahead and sent you a friend request. Go ahead and accept that, and hit me up whenever you're free. For those of you who still need the schematics, don't worry. Someone by the name of Savage Ex-Selfish suggested an LMG from Modern Warfare 3: Hoger 26. Now we've reviewed quite a few lmgs lately, and so far the best lmg was the rpk, so let's see if the hoger 26 can take that number one spot before we get into the build I'm using for the hoger 26.

I quickly want to take a moment to thank Mitch Cockus for sponsoring this article. If you're interested in unlocking the interstellar and Borealis Mastery camos, or if you just want to play in easier lobbies to quickly level up your weapons and unlock C, or if you're a zombies player, just interested in unlocking all the schematics, go ahead and check out MCH {496}.

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They have over 10,000 reviews on their Trustpilot page and are the safest and most professional Call of Duty service out there. Be sure to use my code, Hipno, for 5% off. The build we're using for Hora 26 is as follows: We're using the CT2000. Tactical rear grip for increased sprint-to-fire speed the Hogar 556, factory stock for increased Sprint speed movement speed and Sprint to fire speed the FSS olav laser for increased ad speed and sprint to fire speed; we threw on the Hoger factory barrel for increased bullet velocity and range; and last but not least, we're using the DR6 hand stop for increased ad speed to fire speed and movement speed.

If you guys have suggestions for other weapons you'd like to see me check out, then drop a comment below. All right, boys, we are here in the Tier 3 Zone. As you can see, we got the hogar 26 to pack three. And first impression, man, the overall mobility is great on this thing. Of course, we built it so that mobility is as good as possible.


You know, we kept that default, Mag. We got that laser on for increased STS speed and Sprints fire speed—just a really mobile gun. So there is a bounty contract right there, and I'm going to go ahead and pick that up. I did pick one up earlier, but for some reason, as soon as we got to Target, it just instantly died.

We didn't even get to fight him, so of course I didn't keep any of that footage, but hopefully we can actually fight our target this time and see what target we get. Hopefully it's a mega-come on; it's a disciple. Okay, no problem, and he's going to be right next to us. Cool, so let's make our way over there.

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Also, I had a little series idea where I make a brand new account, like a hardcore account or something, but I don't know. I'll still have to think about the exact rules. But basically, I just kind of record every game that I go into, and you guys can kind of see how I would progress with a zombies account.

mw3 zombies

Where's this disciple, man? He's going to be under us. I know this spot. He's going to be right in here. I think, No, yes, there. He is nice. All right, let's shoot his arm. Beautiful, start hitting those critical shots at him. There we go. He's going to do his little arm-healing thing again.

Yeah, we're doing a fair amount of damage—nothing crazy. Where'd he go now that he's down there, man? I swear, disciples are such annoying men. Just look at that; now he's back again. I hate Disciples; they're the most annoying Bounty Target you can get, but we're definitely melting this guy, which is good for us, so we're not going to have to fight this guy for too long.

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Here we go. Let's keep hitting those critical points. Get that reload again; he's going to do his healing thing, Nice Keep hitting those critical He's so close to dying, man. There we go, shooting his arm again. Get that reloaded. We'll have to use our blade here, and there we go, killing the disciple.

mw3 zombies best gun

We had no issues taking that guy out; we got Napom. I'll actually throw that on a normal sigil and an Epic tool, so nothing too special off that contract. There are no more bounty contracts in the Tier 3 zone, and there's a bunch of people here, so it's definitely going to be rough trying to find contracts, so I think we'll just make our way over to the Elder Dark.

Nice little group of zombies right here, and that roaming disciple. Actually, take that guy out. Yeah, just look at that, and we got this little mangler right here. Just look at that, so this thing's great against roaming elites. It's great against Bounty targets, and it's great against groups of zomes, so I'll have to rate this thing a solid 9.5 out of 10 already.

I can't wait to go to the Elder Dark Eternity and see how this thing performs. We're pretty good on AMMO too, considering it's just a default mag. So yeah, just a great gun. And there we go. We made it to the portal; let's use our signature. And there we go, boys. We made it to the tier five zone, got these hellhounds right here, of course they're going to be super quick to kill, and the normal tier five zombies are no issue at all, as we just saw start hitting a few shots on this Mega, hopefully using a laser attack soon couple zombies right here There we go.

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That's the laser attack we wanted. Let's get that reload kind of bad timing right there. We might go down. Nope, we made it nice. Yeah, damage output's definitely great. I think we have already destroyed one of the megaspaces. Let's throw that real quick. There we go. We also have that mimic to deal with.

Yeah, so one of the megafaces is destroyed. So yeah, the damage output is great. Just look at how quickly we're killing this mimic too, man. Jeez, there we go. Get that reloaded face. It is glowing right there. I couldn't hit any critical. Unfortunately, let's keep hitting a few more shots. Throw that blade.

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No, we got trapped, and we survived. There we go. We got this mimic here as well. It's definitely not the best LMG we've reviewed, but it's probably going to take second place. I'll say that. There we go. Let's hit those shots. The RPK from the last article was actually a bit better; I'd say the damage output especially was noticeably better.

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Why are we not hitting the mega? That was kind of weird right there. Interesting there we go. Let's keep hitting those. Shots are beautiful to see. Yeah, the RPK was definitely better than this; this is better than the Tack Eradicator, and probably better than the brunin MK9 as well. There we go.

Yeah, this Mega is almost dead. Let's get a bit of distance. Hopefully, he hits us with a laser attack. We'll just need one more. Let's actually get in this car. That's kind of a safe spot against these megas, and there we go. His face is glowing, and he's going to hit us with the laser attack.

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