News - Warzone 2: Top 5 Best Assault Rifle Loadouts After Update. Warzone 2 Meta Setups

I think before this was the clear and obvious number one rifle in the game; now it's just an absolute top-tier rifle in the conversation, making things even more competitive, which is really good for the game in general right here. Standard, yet again a mod V4 for this die position faster ads, 45 round mag is the largest here, so that's what we're all of course going to be running.

High velocity, ammo with better velocity, and better damage range. Again, because the recoil is so easy here, I don't feel like you need that under the barrel; instead, I go for the T50 barrel, which will help out with range and velocity but also some control. You just miss out on some of that stability, which in this case I don't think is a huge deal considering.

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How easy this thing is to use, and lastly, once more, we do have the Echolus 80 suppressor, which has better velocity. You can go either for smoothness or speed here; it's really not going to make a huge difference, but this thing is still one of the easier guns to use in the game, right up there with Attack 56 in terms of ease of use, and its ttk over range is still phenomenal as well.

Warzone 2 best m13b loadout after update

Warzone 2 best m13b loadout after update

lastly this might come as a surprise to you, but we've got the M13 at the number one spot, and this is strictly based on its realistic potential. It saw some buffs for the long range here that really make it effective, and now in the mid-range, it's going to be right up there with the other rifles, not really all that different.

Than some, better than some, but over range, once you get beyond 60, 70, 80, and 90 meters, this is low recoil, and it's realistic. TTK is going to be really, really good. The drawback here is going to be that we have to run the 60-round mag, and even with that, the fire rate's so fast that you have to reload a lot.

Overall, this thing's got a lot of promise after the updates to all the rifles with the season 3 update. V4 further style position faster ads per usual High-velocity ammunition has better velocity and range on those Tunes here, and quite frankly. I feel like you could go for any of the honor barrels I've talked about or the echelon barrel for my preference.

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I like the feel of the Echelon barrel. I like that added range and velocity; you get some control here too, for what it's worth, and we're tuning in for the better range and steadiness, but if you really want the overall stability and recoil, you can go for lock grip. Ripper, or the edge 47; there are no real wrong answers between those, and lastly, we got the echolus 80 on here as well, with better velocity and better ad speed here too, so really, you can't go wrong with any of these five options here today.

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