News - Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded Is Awful

I hear what is happening on the other modes. For now. I'm going to take my time probably with YouTube and zombies overall, or just content making and the game, so if I don't upload all that often up until season 2, it's just content making and the game, so if I don't upload all that often up until season 2, it's just because, you know, there's just nothing to do.


I'm out of ideas. I'm feeling unmotivated, and this season just killed that more. No, it has just been a bit of a motivation-lack season for me for quite a while, but yeah, I feel like a lot of people can agree with that. I've seen a lot of complaints, and I doubt I'm the only one that has these little bits and bobs that really frustrate us and annoy us about the mo.

Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, hopefully you enjoyed Be sure to subscribe. Be sure to drop a like on the article, and if you want to see more rants or articles like that for me, definitely be sure to subscribe.

So mw3 relaoded has to be one of if not THE Worst updates we have gotten in call of duty history.
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