News - Warzone 2 Is Slow. How To Adapt To The Change Of Pace, Get More Kills And Wipe More Squads

Now I want you to ask yourself, "What do you think this guy is doing right here?" Where do you think he's going to go as I'm making this next play? I do articles just about every single day for you, trying to get you to be as good of a player as possible, get more kills, die a little less, and pick up more wins as a squad because, at the end of the day, that's a lot of fun in War Zone 2.

So that's my whole goal, and I do articles just about every single day. Once again, notice that we catch him a little bit off guard with our positioning; he has no idea where I am. I'm playing a little bit patiently; we're able to get that down, and he's looking right up that stairwell where I was.

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He's exactly where I think he's going to be. He's very predictable and energetic. He's got to be up top right now. We've got another one floating around here, and we're going to have another team rolling in, so let's go ahead and push forward right here. I'm just trying to get enough cash for TCAP, but I've got to be careful because there's still one more floating around.

There's still that one that was brought back somewhere. Now I have enough for TCAP just. A little quick gameplay strategy note, guys: your game doesn't end until the whole team dies, so I'm not worried about looting and I'm not worried about plating; I'll get all that stuff later. Let me get T-Cat back, because if something happens to me and T-Cat, we at least have a chance now.

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Notice we still get proxies. Your team with the information is the hardest part of this game, so he's actually going to live. I'm going to bait him a little bit. I'm going to be like, Yeah. I'm shooting shots over here, and the guy's going to go, What can I find over here? I hear shots being fired, and at that point.

Now we're back in this third-party situation a little bit; we're kind of back to square one. We just fought our way out of a 1v3 scenario, and now we're back in a 2v3 scenario here once T-Cap gets gunned down, which he just did. So let's go ahead and fast-forward a little bit here so you can kind of see how we're repositioning and the pace of play difference here, where I'm constantly moving but there are times that I'm going to play positioning, and by the way, you're going to really see that here in a second.

You're going to really see how we use repositioning, positioning, and repositioning to our advantage to outthink our enemies and put us in a better spot. There's no doubt about it, and your decisions are going to be much slower, your gunfights are going to be slower sometimes, and you're going to have to wait on enemies to make a move.

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Let me go ahead and fast-forward this a little bit quicker. Let's get up to five here and get this team flying back in there. We're going to get Duco back here. Duke goes back, we buy UAV now, we're in business here, okay, now we've got this team rolling in, here we go, this team's back, we got the third party rolling in, so this is another team right here, they're up top now.

Even if we were to get a drink up here, it's going to be very difficult to actually get thirsty, so I'm in a position where I've got to be very conscious of my cover. They also have a nasty head cold that guy goes down with unfortunately. I thought I had precision, but I had a UAV. We popped the precision in, and now we can go.

warzone 2 is so slow

I see him, but this is where I really want to get in this fight with TCAP, and I am going to make the long play; this is where the game really slows down and we really focus on positioning. Even though it's going to take a while, I mean, look how long this actually takes. It takes us forever. get to the spot that we want to be, and it's still this fight still goes on for a very long time, but now we just took control of this fight because of our positioning.

You know, you used to take control of fights with your movement. You used to take control of fights by popping in and frying somebody, getting a thirst with a throwing knife, and getting out of there with your sly canceling repositioning with your slide canceling jump peeking corners, but now it's all about outthinking your enemies and all about positioning.

We're both kind of playing this glitch, but theirs is just a little bit better. Andy. Hit him with the nade now remember what I told you earlier remember what I told you earlier about fighting these teams right here where you can't really get a thirst because there's nothing they can do so. I'm just holding this angle, come challenge baby, like I'm going to tap that to save the self-revive, but like, Come on, come on up here, we're ready for you at this point, and they're going to most likely lose that gunfight now.

warzone 2 is so slow paced

This game is all about finding your window of opportunity when it comes to positioning and gameplay strategy and taking advantage of it. Now we hit shots with the RPK. RPK is absolutely insane. There's guy number one, there's guy number two still, and I'm thinking about guy number three here because, at the end of the day, this fight's not over yet.

You know this third guy's still floating around; we don't exactly know where he is. We were live pinging the fact that once he was there (by the way, notice TCAP did self-revive there, so T-CAP's still alive), and all of a sudden, by making that long rotation all the way around, we're in a really good position to turn the tides and take care of that team TCAP.

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He gets it down right there, and then he ends up getting thirsty, and there's the wipe, so let's go ahead and jump into clip number two, which is very, very quick. As I mentioned, this clip right here is super quick. We're in hinge trios; we actually just completed the stronghold, so we do have a loadout, and we also have that kind of permanent UAV that we get with the stronghold, which is going to be super helpful right here, but this clip is all about positioning, gameplay, play strategy, pace of play, and really taking a look at our spacing as a squad.

The element of surprise -- getting a clean down and thirst -- is super crucial to starting a fight, especially when we're fighting without notice. I've Got High Ground I'm in a good position. Cheval Hog there's high ground right here, so you can't see him behind my camera, but Hog's right over here by the light pole, shooting down T-caps.

We've got plenty of cover on this little L-shaped building that's shooting down, so we've got really good spacing right here and can watch our patients throughout this fight, so I'm going to be able to get a knock right there and I'm going to get the thirst eliminated. I'm overselling The Thirst right there because I want to take that guy out of the fight now that we've got four more enemies.

warzone 2 pace

I'm going to go ahead and reposition right here once again; we're going to take a different angle, we're going to be a little bit unpredictable, we're going to focus on our positioning, and I once again have high ground; now I see two enemies. I see this one back here, and I've got the one in my scope, and I also notice how exposed I am in this moment, right?

Warzone 2 is DEFINITELY slower than Warzone 1. You have to adapt and change your playstyle if you want to get more kills and wipe more squads.
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