News - Warzone 2: Great News For New Updates

But, this also opens up the door for them to experiment now where they could add in major updates that would have drastic effects on gameplay, and if they do end up causing issues, they're going to be in office for the foreseeable future to fix those things and address those things and not have breaks get in the way of anything like that, so I'm expecting major updates, post--you know, the holiday break here--where they start to experiment with some of the more contrarian traversal things of War Zone 2.

cod warzone 2

We could see LTMS, where the health is increased similar to iron trials, and see how feedback is based around that. If we need to do a TTK increase this year to make it more in line with war zone one, they could do updates for the gulag, maybe have an LTM where it is a one-on-one gulag, or just flat out change the gulag to a one-on-one, and see how players respond to those updates.

With sniping, where maybe they do have a One-Shot headshot for a week or so and they see our snipers as too overpowered, too broken, or could we actually have a One-Shot sniper meta in some way, shape, or form? Things like that are going to be played probably in a public scenario, so they can actually gauge feedback on what the community has to say about those changes and then go forward with that, and that is obviously something Raven did.

modern warfare 2

Did a lot of back towards the end of War Zone 1, there were a lot of feedback-based updates and feedback-based changes where they would run polls where they tested things in the game and make changes accordingly, and then a lot of that ended up being reverted with the launch of War Zone 2 and left a lot of people scratching their heads.

Why are all these QLL updates missing? Why are all these cool dynamics that we had in War Zone One that we all thought were really good gameplay changes gone? Why were they taken out? I am expecting big things based on how they've already started to attack some of the more controversial elements and hot topics in the community since it seems like Raven has sort of taken over War Zone 2 as the lead, but all that being said, that is going to wrap things up for today.

Peace, out, and

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