News - Warzone 2: The New Map Update


2 is here. If you're like me, you've been jumping into a bunch of games here already and exploring. The map is obviously trying to drop as many kills as possible and do all the usual things there, and obviously all of Mazda is a relatively new play space. Over the past couple of weeks, we've been able to experience some of all of Mazda between the campaign and multiplayers since a lot of the locations are actually shared.

However, looking forward towards war zone 2's long-term future, there are a lot of questions regarding what exactly the map situation is going to be like because obviously coming off of war zone 1, we've had a very. I guess, lackluster map system to say the least, mainly because the maps never really rotated, which was something a lot of players always wanted to see back in warzone one was a mixture of verdansk.

And Caldera, and rebirth, and fortunes keep, and ultimately it was always whenever the new map came into play the old one was removed. When Verdance 84 dropped for dance quiz was removed, that one made a little bit more sense because those two are basically the same map, but then Caldera, dropped for dance kd4, was removed, even with fortunes keep.

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At first, we didn't always have rebirth available. Either way, map rotations are something we've been looking forward to for a long time, and Warzone 2's new upgrades should allow for that in the future. And curiously enough, it does seem like the next Warzone map has actually been secretly revealed.

or secretly teased via the campaign. We'll get to that in just a moment, but there are actually some clues that indicate why this is potentially the next War Zone 2 map, and those clues come from what we already know about all Mazda Curiously enough, if you look at a general overview of all mods, you'll see we have some pretty basic ones.

The Battle Royale map layout is right, like it's standard for what the genre is, but the locations are what's important, so for instance, we've got to Rock Village, which is a location both in ground war and multiplayer and also 6v6, all of Masra City has high rise in it, a rumored multiplayer map, as well as worry, which is MW2, a quarry, a rumored multiplayer map, and a map in multiplayer caves that has an Afghan map, a rumored MW2 multiplayer map.

Saeed city is Saeed from the ground war airport, which has a terminal, another rumored MW2 multiplayer map, and then we also got Serif Bay on a ground war map, so the large majority of Almazra is made up of locations we already have in the game from various other places, primarily multiplayer, but some other locations as well. That's important to keep note of because this is what basically leads into our next conversation, however.

The current warzone 2.0 leaks for future maps

The current warzone 2.0 leaks for future maps

The big question really is, "What's going to be available outside of Almazra?" Because, of course, just having one large Battle Royale map doesn't necessarily accommodate the full player base that Warzone gained over the course of its, you know, roughly three-year lifespan, yes, there was the core Battle Royale and core Plunder player base that enjoyed Verdance and Convert dancing.

Katie foreign Caldera There's also that huge player base of resurgence that really spiked up towards the end of her dance in kd4, and obviously with Caldera. That's not a very successful map. Resurgence really took off at that point, but as we've covered in previous articles, it doesn't seem like we're going to see a Resurgence map necessarily soon within War Zone 2.

There have been leaks. There have been rumors of a new Resurgence map and a new small map coming, but those are likely not going to be around until the six-month The mark of the game, you know, is May to June of 2023, by which point we could potentially be seeing a brand new Resurgence map out, and it's the game's to have a core big map for that audience then also that small Rebirth style map for that audience.

Warzone 2.0␙s new map update reveal

Warzone 2.0␙s new map update reveal

But then things get interesting because not too long ago it was also leaked and rumored that there's going to be another large map dropping in 2023, for war zone two, so in theory we would have all of Mazra, then at some point we'd have a new Resurgence map, and at some point again we would also have a brand new large map as well, and, presumably, they would all co-exist at the same time.

It wouldn't necessarily be like a war zone where, when the new one drops, the old one gets removed, as in the case of, you know, Verdansk. The interesting thing is that with all of Masra, both Santacina and Guajaro appear to be featured on the map, so as we know and as we just talked about, obviously within Almazura, we have various ground war map full-on locations, we also have various 6v6 map locations in multiplayer right now, and we also have several maps that take place in Los Almas as well.

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This map that was found in the campaign actually depicts two of them exactly. War Zone 2, and soon to come DMZ as well. Around 54 of the viewers watching are not subscribers yet, but you can see in this image that in the top right we've got Santa Cena and then in the bottom right we've got Guajaro.

I believe, and those are two direct places from which, obviously, groundwater has been able to be played and placed on this map. Now that the remainder of this map is available, Very large. You can see that, you know, in the bottom center, which seems to be like a very large city. The top-left area appears to have another big city and another big highway system, so it seems like we could very well be seeing a brand new War Zone 2 map being teased in the campaign.

modern warfare 2

Bottom right where Guajaro is looks kind of crazy with all those roads, and I can't tell; I don't think it's water down there, but it seems like it's just a ton of open space and like a few random roads just going throughout could be wild for snipers outside of that town, but it seems like what this is a direct indication and an indirect tease that yes, a second major map for war zone two is coming, which is already obviously great news.

Within the war zone lifespan. Verdansk and Verdansk 84 were just the same map; they had very small differences that made a little bit of a change on gameplay, but you know, for the most part, they were just the same map with a different lighting scheme and whatnot, and then Caldera wasn't really super well received, so we never really got to experience two great big maps, you know, and especially not at the same time because obviously we only had one large map at a time.

So potentially, when this ends up dropping, which could be in the fall of 2023, we know there's absolutely no time frame or ETA for this, but we could have two maps and an actual map rotation in War Zone 2 finally, which is pretty exciting to say the least. Until next time, take it easy, have an awesome rest of your day, and I'll catch you guys later.Peace, out.

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