News - Warzone 2 Early Access Holiday Update. Events, Maps, Playlist, Warzone 2 Santas Slayground

New mw3 holiday update details

New mw3 holiday update details

Welcome back to a brand new article today. I have some good news for you. It seems like we are getting early access to the holiday update for Modern Warfare 3 as well as War Zone. I covered all the details about this event that you need to know in today's article, as well as some brand new news and information that I definitely think you need to know about.

Just a quick reminder: I am doing a giveaway over on Twitter for Modern Warfare 3. I am going to be choosing the winners later today, so be sure to enter that if you haven't already. Also, be sure to check out yesterday's article that we posted going over the secret Modern Warfare 3 update. The new event for the boys is coming soon, and we'll have new information on that link.

Mw3 santas slayground modes & maps

cod early access update

Not entirely sure, but as of right now it seems like everything is prepared, but let's go ahead and look at the mode, so first off, we have an infectious holiday. This is going to be: eliminate survivors, become infected, infect everyone, or survive the game to win your kills. Death, win, and loss are not going to be impacted by this mode, so you can play as much as you want.

cod mw3

It's going to be available on pretty much all the maps as you see here, and then it's just the game mode, which is just infectious holiday. The next one that we have is going to be a snowball gunfight. This is going to be available in both hangover and ship Miss now when you take a look at these brand new maps you can see that hangover we did see some gameplay footage of this is high-rise credit to Phase Dirty for this early gameplay but as you see here it has snow covering it there's Christmas trees, lights a dance FL floor and it pretty much fits the entire holiday theme that we have you'll be able to access this tomorrow morning the next map that we have is going to be shipment and the good news that I can tell you this is not going to be the MW2, shipments but they actually remade it once again for the holiday theme it looks a little bit different you take a look at the sky you see the aurora in the background which is a little bit more than what we saw with the last shipment.

The snow it looks like it's a little bit heavier, and then it's also a little bit darker so I wonder how this is going to play out because this map does look a little bit darker than the OG MW2, ship Miss was that one had a whole bunch of lights going on with that maybe they will have some sort of Lights like that similar to here anyways the snowball mode is going to take place there it's going to play out like snowball, gunfight it says the deadliest snowball fight around go toe-to-toe against another team and try to come out on top so rather than weapons you're going to have snowballs you're going to pick them up and you're going to try to attack people with them and defeat them and win the game that way and then the next mode that we have is going to be hangover, 24/7.

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This is basically just a MH pit version of Highrise; it's going to be the only map that you'll be able to play here in this mode, and it's going to be available 24/7.

3 new mw3 holiday events

3 new mw3 holiday events

As well, if you take a look here, there's actually two additional features. First off, we have Santa Sligh Ground, which has been updated to be in just a couple hours from now, which means tomorrow morning is when this will go live. As well, you also have Slay Ride, which was added. I believe this was added to this playlist update.

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That's going to be for War Zone, so if you think about it, there's actually going to be two different events. Rather than one, you have one from multiplayer, which is going to be Santa Sligh Ground, which has its own challenges and its own rewards. The only way you will be able to do this event is you will need to play multiplayer, and you will have to have multiplayer.

Access In order to do this event, the second event that we have is going to be a slay ride. This is the event that is exclusive to War Zone, so if you don't own multiplayer, you can still participate and do the slay ride. This will involve challenges that you will need to complete in the slay ride.

cod mw3 leaks

Resurgence, mode Each challenge that you complete will get you a reward. Once you complete all of them, there will be a mastery reward if you want to know the details on exactly what the challenges are for multiplayer and what the challenges are for the war zone, as well as the potential rewards they'll be able to get.

I already covered it in a article a couple days ago. Check that out. I gave full details on exactly what to expect from this brand new holiday. The good news is that there's a third event that's going to be taking place, and that is going to be double XP week, which will be taking place in 2 days and 20 hours.

I believe this may be the first time that they put a double XP tab like this. The last couple times that we got a double XP weekend, they sort of just announced it over on Twitter, and that was it. I've never seen them actually put it on the event tab, so there might be something obviously going on with this, and there may be ways for you to get more double XP tokens.

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I have no idea. There is probably a reason why they put it here in this event tab. This is everything to expect. The final thing we will also do is.

Holiday store update & bundles

Holiday store update & bundles

Receiving is going to be a brand new store. Update: Now I'm not sure if they're going to be including a little bit more gift packs. We talked about how there was a free gift pack that you could get in the store the other day. They're probably going to be updating that and adding some more because it is the holiday season.

Another thing is that you can expect the Santa Claus operator skin to make his way into the shop. That is the main operator bundle that we have for this holiday update; this is just a full showcase. I've already covered this before, but just to showcase, if you haven't seen any of my articles before, this is the Ultimate Skin Pack.

Bundle doesn't have an exact price for this bundle because it is an Ultimate Skin Pack. This could go as high as 2,800 Cod points, as we've seen with other bundles, or they can end up making it 400. I'm not entirely sure we'll figure that out once it hits the shop. The operator that you get is going to be an undead saint.

cod mw3 season 1 update

He's going to be the main character of this entire update, mainly because he's going to be the boss in War Zone. He's going to be in the store. I believe they're also using his face and all that for the marketing, so he's pretty much the main character that we have here. There's also going to be two different weapon blueprints that we have, one for the MCW and the other for the AR9.

MW3 EARLY ACCESS HOLIDAY UPDATE! Events, Maps, Playlist, . - Modern Warfare 3 Santas Slayground.
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