News - Top Meta Smgs Loadouts For Rebirth Island. Warzone Season 3

Off-meta option

Off-meta option

In The Meta with the HRM, and some of the other guns that melt but it's a gun that I have a lot of fun using I've used it on stream a bunch if you guys don't watch me live I definitely recommend watching me live on stream when I'm testing out some of these weapons as well and I'm not always about using the super sweaty just like meta weapons as much as I'm also just using some other fun guns and testing some other guns out, and I understand that not every gun has to be within the meta to obviously use and have fun and there are a lot of people that watch My Stream that also just talk about using off meta guns and seeing how it looks in the hands of someone that plays Call of Duty a lot so my number one here is we made a short form on this article.

crowder cod

It's definitely a really fun gun. I've seen it on Rebirth a little bit already; that's actually kind of played against me, but I used it a bit the other day too, and I was having a lot of fun on stream with it now. In the short-form article, we had the glassless optic knot on it in the stockless mod.

I am not going to recommend it fully the more I've used it just because I don't think a lot of the people that watch this article are playing Call of Duty 10 hours a day, and I think this one is probably the most advantageous. When you're using this gun just for the speed and like the kind of gives you like the speed and the movement and the camera ability to obviously break cameras and get those first couple shots off, but it does have a little bit of weird recoil, so I've been using the Jack glassless, optic instead with all these attachments, and it just shoots pretty straight; it's pretty fun to use, and overall, a very usable gun.

crowder meta loadouts

If you want to just use something fun that's satisfying personally, I'm an MP5 lover. I love the MP5, so, you know, when I get to use this gun and have some fun with it. I'm going to take my chances, and they also just buffed it too, which kind of gives it a little bit more of a reason, hopefully. You know they keep giving this gun some love I don't want this to be the number one meta again but again if this is just usable it will always make me happy so this is a personal preference thing that has love this gun in general, but those are the attachments I would recommend right now to try it out and just have some fun for an off meta you're not going to be using this and just being cracked out like an HRM 9 which just something to kind of change up the vibe and this is an honorable mention for me just because I enjoy this gun a lot and especially for rebirth I feel like you can get away with using a lot of different guns now lately I don't know maybe that's just me, but now let's talk about something that's weirdly off meta but it is statistically one of the fastest killing guns right now and here you can see the MCW.

Bonus weapon 1

Bonus weapon 1

Statistic l kills just as fast as that core 45; it's right there; it's very, very good if your bullets are hitting people; they will be dropping now. The difference between these guns is that you can see that if you click the Sprint the fire speed in the Sprint the fire speed on this gun is not very good; you can even see here that it's at 133.

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Which, compared to some of the subs, is a little bit high, and when you're trying to run around on rebirth and get cracked, sprint to fire speed can definitely bail you out sometimes when it's especially at, you know, 100 to 33, that's 33 milliseconds, where you can start shooting before the other person can, depending on how you're moving and playing obviously, but when you're using this weapon, you can see that this is more of a sniper support thing.

crowder modern warfare 3

I would say. I like these attachments on this gun specifically. 100% has that time to kill, and of course you can obviously just change it up if you're getting tired of using the HM9 because that has been around for a while, so the MCW with the conversion kit has nothing to sleep on. Here are your attachments again.

The reason why I would recommend the Sonic suppressor on this over anything else is that bullet velocity without the Sonic suppressor is 480. And honestly, that's kind of low where you can even notice it with a submachine gun sometimes, so personally. I think the suppressor is nice on it, but even if you don't like that and you throw on this Dam compensated flash hider, you're going to see that this thing shoots pretty straight, definitely not going to be that hard to control; it's just going to be kind of tough at the even longer ranges, sometimes even like 15 to 20 M, you can kind of notice it, but regardless of those are the attachments you can run on this gun, definitely a fun one to use, and now let's talk about another one and that is going to be an lmg, which is the Hoger 26.

Bonus weapon 2

Bonus weapon 2

Now, this is a weird one. I recommend building it like this: the conversion kit with the tactical grip, the stock, the Razer Hawk laser, and the Bastion angled grip. The reason why is because I think this gun is impossible to control, outside of like the 5 to 6 meter range, and with that being said, it's not very controllable.

crowder mw3

I think the best way to control a gun is with a lot of recoil. Is going to be a tactical stance version build of this and you can see with the stats here that this gun has a crazy time to kill up to six MERS which is really close so basically your staircase fights and that's about it does keep up at the 15 M range and with attack stance that can get a little bit crazy but hear me out on this if you're using this gun again this is definitely not a meta gun no matter what the ttk, is I wouldn't say this is 100% meta but something to run around in pubs and have some fun with and also still be able to kill people, like I was saying with these off meta weapons that I'm giving you there's still something a little bit different and the Tactical stance on this is not bad you can see like right now.

This gun looks really cool with the flame on it, obviously, but that is a 20-meter fight. That's pretty far when it comes to Rebirth Island. Even for your SMGs, most likely you'll have them out, so if you're definitely fighting someone with this, the tactic stance is pretty accurate, but nothing too crazy.

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And of course, within the 15 M range, whereas the threshold is still pretty good, you can definitely, you know, drop some people, so this is something you can use and have some fun with. I wouldn't recommend this being like your number one ranked meta; maybe it is for you, but either way, very fun gun, definitely usable, and just overall.

Top META SMGs Loadouts for Rebirth Island! Warzone Season 3. Today we are going to talking about the best meta secondary weapons to use on Warzone 3 Season 3 Rebirth Island! Enjoy.
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