News - Top 10 Best Primary Loadouts Warzone Season 3

cod mw3 loadout

Now this gun is something that I still see a lot of people use and that's why I put it in this article it did get nerfed pretty heavily again it does not hold the damage range, at all when it comes to like those farther range damage fights if you can see on the stats but in general the ram is still something that has very manageable recoil, and still very usable when it comes to just obviously just having a gun that you're comfortable with so if you somehow don't know this Ram class here it is right here I would recommend the brew and heavy support CP on this but you can definitely change this one up and also use that vertical grip on it if you want to as well but just in general this is the ram class that a lot of people like and this is more of a comfortability, thing it kind of has the time the kills when you still need it and there are still people that are using it within those medium range fights especially for your Resurgence and your rebirth but overall.

A lot of people are kind of switching over to things like the S SOA subverter, which we're about to get to in a second, and just some of the other guns I've already put in there, but I had to put this one in there for the comfortability of it, and I would love to know what you guys think about the ram if you guys are still using it, if you think it's obviously a weapon that you're just kind of still going to, or if you know you've kind of moved on from it.


I kind of got bored with the ram in season 1.5. So now that we're here all the way at season 3 I'm definitely over the ram by now and just trying to, use different weapons and whatnot but still a usable gun if you don't know the class here it is one last time and let's go over to that next Loadout and that next load out is definitely going to be an underrated, gun I feel like the Brewin doesn't get enough love the one thing I don't like about the bruan is for some reason even with the stats saying that it is pretty strong and it does hold its range I always feel like when I shoot people with this gun it just feels weak I don't know if that's just you know me being in my own head or whatnot but this gun when it comes to recoil especially with these attachments on is absolutely, insane so this is a userfriendly weapon, especially if you're more on the beginner side and you want a gun that has 60 bullets in the magazine.

Easier recoil and still hits pretty hard. This is a very fun gun to use, and the 60 ma defaults on an lmg where it doesn't feel like an lmg because of the mobility, and the bullet velocity on this gun is pretty good. It's just an overall good choice for a lot of people who are obviously going to be beginners or just trying to play Rebirth and have some fun with a gun.

crowder cod

That is something that maybe you don't see a lot of, so this is something I'd recommend trying out if you are just kind of getting tired of some of the other guns or you obviously want a gun that has good bullet velocity. Still hits hard enough when you use it and is going to have the ammunition without having to actually add a magazine attachment so you can kind of take off other stuff and if you really like the iron sights, which personally I don't, you can take off the optic and use whatever you want as well to kind of even get more bullet Vel with some high grain ammunition or some high velocity or a stock or a rear grip and so on and so forth, so that's the brewing class that I would recommend trying out and for this next load out we're going back to MW2, just like the tacv and the load out that I was talking about is going to be the stb.

crowder gaming

556 you can see on the stats that this thing has a very good time to kill it holds its range the one downside is the 42 round mag but if you're playing some rebber solos or Duos and you're trying to just have some fun and use a gun that is going to be extremely rare on the map but it is going to be incredible, when it comes to just recoil control in General this is the weapon you should be using it is a very fun weapon I have used this one a bunch in Resurgence especially on Fortune keepy it is absolutely in the time to kill mea of all the guns I just showed you it is not number one but it is something that if you want to use a gun from either MW2, or that you probably already have leveled up I would recommend this class right here and with the Brewin pivot vertical grip this control on this recoil, is insane so if you just kind of shoot that it doesn't take too much to you know control The Recoil.

crowder meta loadouts

And it's very user friendly and it's still going to hit hard enough where you're going to be able to get your kills if you hit your shots so overall a very fun gun to use, and still going to be more of that flashback to MW2 where I feel like this gun never got a lot of love in MW2, when the game was actually out so overall the stb a very valuable option and definitely usable within the meta of all these guns I'm showing you but with that being said we have to move on to some of the last loadouts I need to show you and one of those is the absolute, meta as of now especially in ranked you're going to see a lot of your sweaty players in ranked that are able to get one shot kills in ranked play on rebirth island with this exact build you have the charge Barrel the hvp anti-material, slug ammunition for more damage then you have the quick Bolt the light stock and then I like the mcpr.

395 x sniper scope, and this is a really good weapon to use when you're playing ranked. It is a very fun gun, and when you have this gun fully charged up, it does a lot of damage. I'm almost pretty sure it does let me see. It does about 257 upper torsos of damage, so you don't even need to hit a head shot, and you do.

crowder modern warfare 3

An incredible amount of damage if you're team-shotting and ranking it is really good, and of course, if you hit that headshot 435, it's going to be enough to kill them. When you're using these exact attachments, you need to charge them up fully before you shoot. So the way this works is that if I were to just tap my trigger, it's going to shoot like that, but if I hold it, you can see that it does that charge-up animation, and then you let go of the trigger, and that is when it gets to its full power.

So a big thing that you can do is that before you even aim in, you can actually charge by holding the right trigger like this. And then you can aim in and then you can shoot, so if you're like lying down behind it, you can charge up and then get up, and you can shoot your shot pretty quickly like that as well, so you don't always have to be aiming in, charging up, and then shooting; it can kind of be a very slow process.

crowder mw3

You can actually be sliding around, charging up, and then boom. Just like that, so that's one tip to use it, and if you don't like the charge-up barrel and you're playing regular rebirth, the only thing I would change is right there, just use the tone-heavy barrel, and it's going to be no charge-up just like a regular sniper where you can kind of quick scope and have some fun, and again.

The BEST Primary Loadouts on Rebirth Island! Today we are going over Rebirth Islands' BEST PRIMARY loadouts that you can use to get yourself more kills.
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