News - Tips On How To Prepare For Season 3 Reloaded Warzone 2 Zombies

God, they really need to fix that; it's too small lately. I've just been getting absolutely insane. PS out of these crates, so they're definitely worth checking as long as you're doing this and doing contracts inside the red tier zone, and if you're making trips into the dark ether, you have chances of finding legendary ether tools while doing any of these things, and if you find them, just go ahead and stash them.


I think all of this should apply to the flawless crystals as well. I think you guys should be trying to save up a few of those, but those have a 3-day cooldown and timer on them, so I would just suggest not using that one within the 3 days leading up to the launch of the update. I'm just saying it's going to stink if launch day comes and you guys have nothing good to use and all of your schematics and everything are on cooldown, which does bring me to the last couple of things about this update.

These ones are definitely big. First is going to be the one thing that the entire community has been asking for since the very launch of this game is that we are finally going to be getting a stash increase. Now, finally, instead of only being able to hold 10 items inside of your stash, you're going to be able to hold 20 now.

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I know there are going to be some people who wish it was a bit higher, but definitely 20. Way better than 10. I personally wish they would have done something a little bit else with the stash system. Now. I think it would have been really cool if they actually tied each operator with their own stash and actually made it so each operator could increase their stash limit and if they died, it would completely wipe that stash, a very similar system to the containment level system that the operators have, but with a stash limit.


I think that would have been way cooler than just increasing it a little bit. Also, with this update, we're finally going to see a way to reduce the cooldown timers on our schematics. Now apparently, this is going to work the same way as it does with our cooldown timers with our weapons; we're just going to have to extract Essence, and that's going to be going towards the cooldown timers.

Like I've said before, I just really hope that it's not something completely absurd, like only 100, 000 KS and only getting rid of 10 minutes or something like that. I hope they're actually a little bit more reasonable with what we get to extract, but I am definitely glad that we finally have something.

Lastly, I just really wish that they would have given us a new zombie boss variant to come along with this season. Who knows we are supposedly supposed to be getting that disciple variant inside the new dark ether. Maybe that guy will be like an actual boss, but I'm not really going to hold my breath.


I have a feeling he's just going to be kind of like we saw with The Mangler in this previous season. Who knows, since this is the last little bit of content that Treyarch actually worked on for this mode, maybe they want to go out with a bang and they have something kind of cool with their sleeves.

That's going to be about it, guys. Are you mainly excited about maybe having some new dark ether or maybe having some new schematics? Personally, for me, I think I'm most excited about the new dark ether. I really hope that it is a little bit more difficult than the one that we saw with our previous season.

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I'm not really counting on them to do anything completely outlandish or anything, but what I would love for them to do is go back and do what they kind of did with the first dark ether and give us a little bit more things to do in there; maybe put some more locked rooms. Keys wonder weapon spots Maybe some little hidden Easter eggs for us to do here and there would give me a little bit more of a reason to hang out inside the dark ether and a little bit more things to do.


Giving us one little round-based area like they did in Vanguard would absolutely blow my mind. I greatly appreciate it. Be sure to drop it a like if you enjoyed it or if you found it all informative. Let's see if we can hit this 16k by the end of the month again. Thank you all very much. Have a wonderful day, and I will catch you in the next one.o.,.

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