News - Tips For Beating Sbmm Warzone 2

modern warfare 3

Again, a lot of the clips that are posted online are clips against people who might not be in the same skill bracket, you know, and we're gifted those lobbies every once in a while, and you can't say that you're not gifted those lobbies. Even though this good matchmaking is absolutely through the roof, you cannot say that you don't, on the rare occasion a rare occasion of course, get at least one game where you can get some bots up in there, and again, with all the reverse boosters nowadays, it seems so many people are reverse boosting.

I don't understand why, again, like I said, I prefer to just play the game and go about my business. If I get whooped up, I get whooped up. If I have a fantastic game, I have a fantastic game. But back to the topic. I feel like people who are watching these game plays think that is what you can do against very skilled players, but when you're dealing with people who are very competent, who know what they're doing, who can shoot their guns, who know angles, and who know spawn traps, you have to slow your roll.

modern warfare 3 cheater problem

You can't ego challenge every single gunfight that you possibly see, and I know that's the Call of Duty mindset. And you have to go ahead and adapt to that. You can't just blow it out; like I said, ego challenges everything and thinks it's going to actually work. You have to see what your opponents are doing; you know, see how they play, and the tip that I like to always tell people to do is gradually get faster as the game progresses.

You know, I don't know what to tell you again. One of the best tips is to have a little bit more of a defensive mindset while still being a bit aggressive. You know, find different power positions that are effective in different game modes. Domination is hardpoint; even TDM and kill confirmed. You can find good spawn traps where you can mow enemies down and still get a decent amount of OBJ, and you know not to die 50, 000 times because you're ego the worst possible; you know positions and serve no purpose to your team; besides, you know, just throwing your life away; and also, while we're on this topic.

modern warfare 3 cheaters

I feel like this next point kind of lines up perfectly with it when you're playing OBJ. Please, for the love of God, stop overpopulating. The objective, if you know what I'm saying, is to see 50, 000 people on the sea flag. Don't go and you know join it unless you see a ton of you know fighting back and your team is losing, but you should be holding different positions than your team; you know dominance.

You should be holding another flag or another angle to make sure that people aren't flanking or, you know, pushing a position that could be completely left away if you are just, you know, going and running around and taking your own action. You know, it kind of goes hand in hand with playing a little bit slower, taking your time, and playing defensively.

modern warfare 3 sbmm

And noticing where your team is at on a mini map and also like I said overpopulating the objective is just ridiculously pointless as well like in hardpoint when I see like if you're if you're playing 10 V10 and you see like six seven people in the hardpoint you are absolutely wasting space, it's not like domination where you have multiple people on a flag and you take the objective faster no all you need is one person on the Hardo and at least one other person out of the hardpoint right there to back it up if that person on the hardpoint dies that's it that's literally it you could have eight people, everywhere else on the map holding spawn traps keeping enemies away, but again people are hyper focused on you know you got to play obj I need obj I need obj.

modern warfare 3 sbmm problem

But you know if you are given the role, to play defense and hold away the enemies hold spawn traps and you have to play that role you just got to you know you got to you got to fill in where you are needed and the last tip I can give players across the board is to lower their sensitivity if you are having trouble aiming if you're having trouble you know being able to track targets and lock onto targets, lower your sensitivity if you're on controller lower it and if you're on Mouse and keyboard you can also if you don't want to just lower your overall sensitivity you can lower your ads sensitivity if you like moving around with you know your hip fire accuracy really fast and you know doing 360s, but when you ads you want it slow you could totally do that by just simply lowering your ads sensitivity and keeping your base sensitivity the same at whatever you want you know either or whatever you guys want just lower it down a bit it helps you track it helps you stay on target.

modern warfare 3 sbmm rant

And it assists you with being able to be more accurate without having to actually sweat harder you know when you have really high sensitivity you have to focus 10 times harder, on you know how you're going to hit the enemy because you really have to fine tune the accuracy, but if you have lower sensitivity you can hold conversations you can chill with your friends you can Vibe out and still be able to track and flick on to targets with ease, but ladies and gentlemen those are my tips for you guys today of course I will have more tips in the future but these are just the ones that I know have for you guys today you know ways for casuals to be able to you know get through with the current day matchmaking system hopefully we'll see changes to the matchmaking system that will be phenomenal and again you know there are ways to reverse boost and you know be able to get into bot lobbies.

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