News - This New Warzone 2 Zombies Update Changes A Lot. Round Based Zombies, New Missions & More



Let's break down a bunch of MW3 zombie updates, round-based maps, story missions.

Mw3 zombies act 5 missions, dokkabar warlord & more

Wonder Weapons, and much more, but first up here Act 5 is not happening anytime soon; however, more missions will be added to Act 4 over the next couple of seasons. And you know the plethora of offerings we're probably going to get in that game, from round base maps to, you know, a new version of the outbreak.

Onslaught new modes as well. It's not a big deal, but hopefully we start to get a bit more very soon, and hopefully Act 5 actually does end up releasing. We'll see very soon, and of course Doabe is going to be that character—you know, the new warlord in the game. If you didn't see my previous article, he's going to attack players through the Swarm kill streak and have a UAV, as well we break down all that stuff when the update releases, in a couple of weeks the expected season one reloaded update release date is going to be on Wednesday January 17th so stay tuned for all that info as it comes out.



But before we break down some more zombie updates, here we have a quick word from the sponsor of today's article: get ready for non-stop action and interstellar. Excitement awaits Space Battle Royale, the ultimate multiplayer FPS experience. It just came out on November 16th last month, and it's available to play right now on Steam.

First off, explore Snow Crush, a festive limited-time holiday map available only until January 1st, 2024. Dive into the snowy battlefield and experience the thrill of space warfare like never before. Engage in intense team death matches with up to 24 players per team, or challenge yourself in a solo deathmatch.

Choose from an arsenal of space weapons and control ships and drones to outmaneuver. Besides Snow Crush Master, the fractal Cube, and Colossus Maps, each offering new challenges and strategy space. Battle Royale combines the best of arcade action with the strategic depth of Battle Royale games. The game has great visuals as well; the colors are all super vibrant, and the overall atmosphere on each of these maps in the game is done pretty well, honestly, and it's also easy to pick up and play for the first time.

Spawn directly into the dark aether in mw3 zombies

Spawn directly into the dark aether in mw3 zombies

Now for some more stuff here; this isn't an update, but I do want to mention it because it could be an interesting feature for the future. Unconfirmed, load into the dark ether immediately. Every match has a new bug, and it goes through how to fix this bug. Here, the player had a sigil from the previous game, and their teammate had high ping when trying to do the dark ether for the first time.

The game kicked them out, and after an error, the game started looking for a match automatically.

Round-based zombies maps releasing in mw3

Round-based zombies maps releasing in mw3

The time limit is very unfortunate. If we had an unlimited timer for this game, it would be a ton of fun, but we'll talk about that later on. Overall, people are enjoying the mode, and the question is: is there even a need for round-based zombies in MW3? Some of you guys might say no, and some of you guys might still say yes.

modern warfare 3

I think TR. Already planning on some type of round-based expansion for this mode, if it is going to be massive. Probably not what's the most likely scenario, which I mentioned briefly in a previous article. Is the upcoming Vortex Maps being turned into round based maps in the game which is completely possible so if you guys don't know, very soon we're getting a bunch of zombies themed MP Maps it's a new MP mode where in again multiplayer you use a ray gun one player has the ray gun and you go around shooting people you fight to keep that Ray Gun it's going to be a ton of fun we'll talk about that on the channel we'll be playing it live next week when it releases but there's a couple Maps here, again zombie versions of existing MP Maps we have one of rust which we have some early gameplay screenshots of looks so incredibly cool the Sky Box is different the map is completely different as well the same layout, but a different zombies feel we have one for Quarry, as well which looks super cool a red lava theme I mean almost like a Transit Vibe right I mean I don't know if the lava actually hurts you when you walk over it I don't think it's a lava but it kind of looks like there definitely a cool color scheme overall Sky Box is a little different as well and then finally here we have one for scrapyard.

With a bluish type of, you know, maybe like a dark ether Vibe? I'm not so sure, but it's definitely really sick again. The spores are going up in the sky, which reminds me of almost an Extinction type of vibe. But really cool scy boxes. There are all different color schemes for all the maps, and these maps look incredible.

And having these just brought into MW3, zombies as many round-based experiences. It would be pretty solid. Is it the biggest piece of content ever? Is it as good as a uniquely made round toas map? Obviously not, but it is something different; it's new content in any sense. If you guys didn't know, this Vortex mode is only going to be in multiplayer for 2 weeks or so, and then they're going to remove the map, so these three maps here will be completely gone from the game forever.

They won't even be playable in custom matches. So rather than just remove them and waste all that development time, bring them over into the zombie mode permanently for people to play round-based zombies again. Is it the biggest thing ever? Will people still play Ersan, the normal MW3?

More dark aether specific contracts in zombies

More dark aether specific contracts in zombies

That is very likely, but for some more stuff here, you guys have been commenting on a bunch of different things you want to see. I'll be sure to use your comments and put them up on screen. Give you guys a little shout out there, but the first comment comes from Matthew.

Decreasing schematic cool-down time in mw3 zombies

At first, I thought the schematics sounded overpowered.

When the game first got revealed, when we heard about a ray gun schematic for the first time, I was like, That's kind of overpowered being able to spawn with a ray gun every time. It's a little cheesy, but now there's a delay on all these schematics, and for some people, these delays are just way too long.

It kind of makes you elongate. A mini-boss fight or just some other thing you get from the battle pass as well.

Unlimited match timer in mw3 zombies

Unlimited match timer in mw3 zombies

Of course, I mentioned this earlier, but this is just an obvious one. It just needs new maps without a timer. I heard some topic, and I think Mr. Raa Waffles was saying that the reason they have timers, or one of the reasons, is because they want to keep the servers moving, and they want people to find new lobbies very often.

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