News - This Makes Unlocking Rare Schematics Easy Warzone 2 Zombies

cod mw3 zombies tier 3 farming

Today we're back with another Modern Warfare 3 zombies article with you guys, and in today's article. I'm going to be showing you guys the best weapon to use to go ahead and grind out rare acquisitions and rare schematics within Modern Warfare 3 zombies. Now, this is going to be really easy to do; pretty much all of you are going to be able to do this.

There's only a few requirements that you guys need to meet in order to get set up to do this method, so the first requirement is going to be making sure that you guys have a vr11. Case now. The second requirement in order to make this work is to make sure that you guys have a legendary AA tool because we are going to be going ahead and putting that legendary AA tool on the VR11.

easy schematics mw3 zombies

Now normally you wouldn't be able to do this because the vr11, is already a gold Rarity so you won't be able to go ahead and put the legendary tool on there but we will be doing a glitch that allows us to go ahead and put that legendary tool on the vr11, which is pretty much going to supercharge the vr11 and make it so powerful way more powerful than it was actually intended to be as you guys can see I am going to be bringing in two Wonder Weapons so because of that I will be bringing in two legendary AA tools but obviously if you guys only have the vr11, then you only need one legendary a all now the third thing that you guys are going to need in order to set this up is going to be a self-revive.

Or a dog bone. Now, the only reason why you're going to need that is because in order to do this method, we are going to have to go down, so either having a dog or a self-revive is going to allow us to revive ourselves, and that's pretty much what we're going to have to do in order to make this work, so make sure you guys either have a self-revive or a dog bone, and then the last requirement in order to get this set up is to make sure that you guys have a juggernaut kill streak.

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So just to recap, the four things that you guys will need are a VR11, a legendary Apol, and a self-revive. Or a dog bone and then also a juggernaut kill Street when you guys have all of those things ready then you're pretty much good to go and then you guys will be able to go ahead go in game and supercharge your W weapon and it's going to be absolutely, insane you guys are going to be able to use this to grind out Tier 1 2 and three and a dark EA, without any problems at all so without further Ado let's just head straight in game and I'll show you guys exactly how this method Works you're looking to unlock the new model Warfare 3 camo such as Interstellar or Borealis hard unlocked or play bot lobbies where you guys can level up your guns and unlocks camos rapidly get all the best schematics or even instant delivery pre-made accounts be sure to check out maps.

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Okay, so we're now in game and we do have a tombstone on the map, which you guys can see is right here, so we're going to head to that tombstone, grab everything in the tombstone, then we're going to head straight into Tier 3 and get on with some of these Bounty contracts, and I'll show you guys how powerful the vr11.

Will be once we go ahead and supercharge, it so because we do have all requirements in order to go ahead and supercharge our weapon already we will just go ahead and supercharge it here so I'll show you guys the process in order to do this so make sure you guys have both of your weapons popped down here in your Loadout as you guys can see I have the scorcher in the left and the vr11 in the right now all we're going to need to do is throw in this jugernaut kill streak now we just want to wait for this jugernaut kill streak to land, then once it lands down in the map we can go ahead and get oursel down now we can actually go down by one of these zombies, or we can actually make oursel go down by shooting the scorcher.

mw3 zombies

And taking full damage, we're going to shoot oursel up into the sky, then we're going to allow oursel to go down, then we're just going to wait for our dog to revive us now once this has revived us all we got to do now guys is go ahead and drop these two weapons on the floor, and then go ahead and interact with the Juggernaut kill streak we're going to pick up this Juggernaut, we're going to let this play all the way through and then once this has finished you guys will see that the two weapons that we dropped on the floor will be duplicated.

And they will be in our hands now. When they are in our hands, they will be stripped of their rarity. And that's pretty much how this glitch is going to work. As you guys can see right here, we have finished the jonal, and as you guys can see, we do not have any randomness on our vr11, and we don't have a rarity on our scorcher.

This is pretty much how the glitch works: we can go ahead and put that legendary tool on both of them, and now they are supercharged because they already have their base damage from what they had before, but now they also have the upgraded damage from that legendary tool as well, which is going to make them super powerful.

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Now all we need to do is go ahead get to our now all we need to do is go ahead get to our Tombstone, collect all of our stuff and then we can head straight into tier three and I'll be able to show you guys exactly how powerful these weapons are okay so we're at our Tombstone we just got to go ahead and collect all of our stuff for some reason our Tombstone, is in the water I never actually put it in the water I put it on the platform but for some reason it just went straight to the water we're just going to take all of this stuff out of here and then we're pretty much good to go from here so I do have a triple Pack-a-Punch tool so I will go ahead and triple Pack-a-Punch, this we will use our AER blade and our golden armor plate as well and then we're just going to head straight into tier three so let's go ahead and have a look at where these contracts are so we're going to go ahead and grab this bounty contract and then we're also going to go ahead and hit the Wonder Fizz machine at the same time.

mw3 zombies easy schematics

Just grab our perks. Quick, every perk except for Tombstone, and then we're going to go ahead and grab this bounty contract, so we're going to grab the bounty contract, and then we're going to come back for that Mega Abomination. Hopefully he doesn't despawn while we go over here quickly. We got loads of zombies here; let's just forget about them and go for this Mega Abomination real quick, so he's getting ready to shoot, no, he's getting ready to charge, and as you guys can see, look, one shot and his mouth is done, two shots, three shots, and he's dead.

MW3 Zombies - THIS Makes Unlocking RARE SCHEMATICS EASY! How To Grind Rare Schematics EASY In MWZ Testing OP Weapons The VR-11 Is a BEST In COD MW3 Zombies It DESTROYS EVERYTHING.
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