News - This Gun Slays Everything Warzone 2 Zombies. Easy Tier 3 & Dark Aether Strat

Which does seem to be the case so far. It seems like what this gun is going to do is just melt through these zombies. We've got a disciple, Bounty Target, in front of us. Now see what sort of damage we can do to the disciple. It shouldn't be too much damage, I wouldn't imagine. Let me just sort of try and get rid of some of these zombies.

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Focus on the decision a little bit more. Yeah, it looks like it's going to drop this disciple's health pretty quick, if I'm totally honest with you. Okay, the mega-abomination has just come flying after me, which I wasn't quite expecting. I wasn't quite ready for that, and he's now firing lasers at me.

Can we get a head gun? Okay, the mega-abomination just decided it was going to despawn instead, which I'm not totally against because it does make my life a little bit easier. Okay, so disciple health is actually deteriorating very quickly. Now let's get that handgun if I can hit my shots, which I can't seem to do, but there we go.

What have I got? They have so much stuff going on around me. I just want to get this disciple down. If I'm totally honest with you, there should be a final few head shots if he doesn't get too much health from my teammate. Yeah, I mean, we're just running around doing this sports contract now. I've not shown too much of it, but the gun's just ridiculously powerful, like it does so much damage.

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For what sort of gun it is like, I really didn't expect the mini-back to do this sort of damage to zombies and just get through the zombies this fast. Look at the sort of damage it does to these hordes of zombies; it just gets through them so quickly that it's actually kind of crazy. I mean, we got manglers here; it's just melting through the man's health with no real problem, which is exactly what it's going to do.

It's going to get through that mangler nice and quickly, even though it bats me up into a corner. We can probably get through that second mangler pretty quickly as well. It's just a very solid gun, like it doesn't seem to struggle in any sort of area there's no like. Boss zombies that it's bad against there's no normal zombies that it's bad against like it just seems to melt through like that disciples health has just gone down so fast it's actually crazy how good this gun is like I'm going to find a mega Abomination at some point probably do a bounty Target or something against the mega Abomination.

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And just watch how fast it deteriorates that health as well, because this gun is ridiculously, ridiculously powerful. I'm not going to lie to you guys. Okay, so we've got a megadown in front of us here. Let's let it just start firing its lasers. We should be able to get one head popped pretty quickly here with no real problem, which is exactly what's going to happen.

Dro that first head very, very fast on that Mega Abomination; to be totally honest with you, it looks like he's going to start charging at me. We can dive out of that, no problem. Let's just let's just let's just keep letting it run around. You know, we can just keep letting it chase after us a little bit.

I've got a lot of zombies around me as well, to be honest, which isn't always the nicest situation, but we should be absolutely fine. I'm not going to lie; it shouldn't be too big of a problem. Mimics are chasing after us; mimics should get dropped with no real problem, just like so. I'd love for the Mega Abomination to start firing its lasers at me, which is exactly what it's going to start doing.

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We should be able to get that second head popped. With any luck just like so, get a blade in there nice perfect though no problems here so the mega Abomination has already got one head left like that is pretty good going to be honest from the mini back I'm not going to lie it's a very nice, time to kill on the mega Abomination who now looks like he's either going to charge at me which is exactly what he's going to do was hoping that last head was going to open up and we could just get the job finished there but it's not quite going to be the case we can just keep shooting at the mega Abomination we C getting some critical shots there, which now looks like it's going to start firing that last head at us which we should then get that popped, and that should be the mega Abomination, phito which is exactly what it's going to be perfect that did not take us long at all to get that Mega Abomination taken down really nice from the mini back.

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But I mean, even here, just look how many zombies are around. This mini is really just melting through everything with no problem whatsoever; it's got that huge magazine size. You can just literally quite easily melt through zombies and just spray and spray and spray this gun and get through all different hordes of zombies.

I mean, even mimics just get melted ridiculously fast this gun is just like ridiculously powerful I think you guys are going to use and you enjoyed the pdsw, or you enjoy using SMGs or anything like that just go and try this mini back class I think you guys are going to have so much fun with it it's a really enjoyable gun and it's just a very powerful gun in general at taking down boss zombies, normal zombies it does not matter what you're fighting against this thing is just going to melt through everything as you can see that disciple there gone down with no real problem whatsoever it's just a very good gun.

But there's just nowhere this gun doesn't perform; it's actually crazy, like this gun is a very solid gun. It shocked me at how good this mini-back is. I didn't expect it to be as good as it was.

In this video we take a look at what happens when you pack-a-punch the minibak in mw3 zombies! Pack-A-Punching the minibak in MW3 Zombies This Happens. Pack-A-Punching the minibak in MW3 Zombies Best Weapon.
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