News - This Gun Is So Overpowered Warzone 2 Zombies. Easy Tier 3 & Dark Aether Strat

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Hopefully, the Mega Abomination does exactly what it's about to do. Opening that mouth up should be a way to get that second head popped if I don't go down, which I have gone down. There are a lot of zombies around, but it's going to be okay. I've got plenty of self-revivals to be able to get through, I'm pretty sure, so it's not the end of the world.

I just need to pay a little bit more attention to some of these zombies that are around, trying to take some of them out a little bit more than I have been. Okay, so the Mega's going to open its head. We should be able to get that one popped there. We go; that is another head down. I've gone down and run out of time.

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That was a really, really bad play on my behalf there, so that was just a bad play for me. I thought I had more self-revives. I was just going to confirm the fact that I was going to go down and pop Mega's head to self-revive. Forgetting. I didn't actually have another self-revive, so that is totally on me right there, but I mean, it took down the Mega's health nice and easily, and hopefully my teammates will come and revive me so we can try again with a different Mega.

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Abomination. okay, so we got back up. Now it's just the case of going to Get My Perks back and things like that, which shouldn't take us too long to do at all. Here, we should do that nicely and quickly. It looks like another Lobby where there's a lot of people in the tier three zone so hopefully we could get set up to go into the dark ather Zone as well and hopefully grind that out see what the gun's going to be like, in that higher Zone, but like I mentioned before the gun is a very powerful gun it's not the gun that's the problem I just played that really badly there trying to take down that Mega Abomination, as you see i' got manglers and mimics on me it doesn't really matter what's around me as long as I can as long as I can just spray these 400 100 bullets we're going to take out the zombies very easily like it's a very fast gun to take down zombies with it's actually crazy how powerful this gun is and like I said you've got 400, bullets to just melt through the zombies that are around you with as you saw mimics manglers, they both just got dropped ridiculously quick alongside all the zombies that are around me which just shows you how good and powerful these guns are.

But I mean, even look at all these zombies that are around me—big hordes of zombies—we can just stand and just carry on spraying through absolutely everything we're just going to melt through. The man is going to go down ridiculously fast, second Mangler, probably going to get dropped just as quickly as this gun is absolutely insane.

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So I know it was good in season 1 it seems to be just as good in season 2 with no real problems like this gun just looks like it's going to melt through absolutely everything, so if you guys want to copy the exact same class that I'm using you can see on screen right now this is the exact class I was running in game go ahead use it obviously tier three it legendary a for all it's going to be absolutely ridiculously powerful, as you can see this mangl like doesn't even stand a chance with this gun it's ridiculously, ridiculously powerful this gun it's honestly don't know what more to say on it just really is that good of a weapon I think you guys are going to love it if you try out for yourselves.

Okay, so we've got a Mega Abomination Bounty contract. Let's go ahead and do that and see what we can do with that, what sort of damage we can do, and if we can get one of its heads to pop nice and early. Yeah, early doors get a head pop of beautiful stuff there; it's probably going to start chasing after me out of everyone, as Mega Abominations always seem to do in this game.

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I'm not really sure why, but they just love to chase after me. I don't really get it, but here we are; we should be able to try and get some critical shots while it's just running around. All i mean, look how quick we've taken down both of those mimics there, not reloading once to take down both of their mimics just ridiculously, powerfully, how good this gun is; it's crazy, crazy broken, and also, for the first time.

I was just about to run out of ammo, but we've managed to pick up a little bit. As you can see. I do not have any ammo reserves, so one thing you need to bear in mind with this gun is that the ammo reserve is going to deplete quite quickly, but as long as you stay on top of it, you should be okay.

But we have had a couple people tag up the dark ather Rift, so hopefully. We can go into that dark area; it would be really nice if we could get in there. Let's try to take us down as disciples before it even starts depleting my health. Look at how good this gun is. By the way, it's actually crazy how good this gun is; it melts through everything so fast.

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But I'm really hoping at this point we go to the dark ather zone because I want to test it in there because I think it's just going to be ridiculously broken in the dark ather zone. But I know I keep saying it, but this gun is just ridiculously powerful. No matter how fast it goes through normal zombies, it goes through boss zombies.

it's actually crazy that this gun is still just as good as it was back in season 1. I thought this gun would have been nerfed by now to be honest because it really just is that powerful it is a super powerful gun, even after all this time of it being broken in season 1 it's still just as good in season 2 which is great to see I'm not totally against it I love this gun I love these guns in season 1 and I love them just as much now they are so fun to use.

So if you guys were looking for a new fun gun to try out that you might not have tried before. I'm sure the majority of you guys have still tried the WSP Swarms, but if for whatever reason you haven't. I highly recommend you jump on board and try these out because they are just very, very good. Okay, so we are finally going to get into the dark ather zone with these as well as test them out in the dark ather zone, which is going to be very, very fun to use.

modern warfare zombies

Okay guys, here we are in the dark ather zone again. I know a lot of these runs do end up being pretty similar, but it's always a nice final way to test the guns out as well. Just take them into the hardest zone within the game to see if they can still hold their own and do decent damage, which is probably going to be the case for this gun.

If I'm totally honest, as you can see, it's going to get through the zombies. No problem at all. We are going to melt through them very quickly. It's very interesting that our whole team is on this side of the map and one other person's gone to start the ACV contract. It's an interesting play from him, I'm not going to lie; it's not possibly what I would have done in that situation.

In this video we take a look at what happens when you pack-a-punch the wsp swarm in mw3 zombies! Pack-A-Punching the wsp swarm in MW3 Zombies This Happens. Pack-A-Punching the wsp swarm in MW3 Zombies Best Weapon.
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