News - This Gun Destroys Everything Warzone 2 Zombies. Easy Zone 3 Strat

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pretty quickly here there we go it should be down in about two seconds perfect that was absolutely rapid, another perk for us to put on which is great I'll Chuck that Dead brain r on why not but yeah we should now be sort of getting into this position where we go into that tier three Zone and just see what sort of stuff we can do there so we got a bunch of tier three zombies coming through whilst we're actually doing this disciple so I'm going to see what sort of damage it's going to do again okay so we managed to take the disciple down pretty quickly I wouldn't mind saking, that so I do kind of just want to jump into tier three right now and see what sort of damage we can do against those tier three zombies, without it being a legendary a for all status, so let's take down this armored zombie if we can sort of get it on its own.

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Okay it's not bad it is actually, not too shabby I'm not going to lie it's not as bad as I thought it was going to be and again that's no legendary a for to it's no tier three Pack-a-Punch or anything like that as of yet so what we'll going and do is Chuck a legendary a for tool on and then we can really start seeing what damage this thing is going to do in the tier three zone so if we just drop back a little bit start aiming for those head shot, we can start melting through these zombies it's actually a lot better at tier 2 Pack-A-Punch and I thought it was going to be I do need to be a little bit careful of my health, but considering this isn't tier three Pack-a-Punch yet like it's actually very strong it is pretty strong I'm not going to lie I thought it was going to be, maybe not as powerful as what it is but it doesn't seem too bad so far, okay so I just joined a new Squad that are Midway 3 doing an Outlast contract cuz I really want to test these tier three rewards as well as I've mentioned a couple of my previous articles.

They said that they've up the rewards that you get for tier three contracts I just haven't been doing too many so I want to see what sort of rewards we will actually get for completing something like this at this point on and of course it will give us enough money to Pack-A-Punch, as well which would be great so we're going to try this out we're in the tier three Zone as you can see with it a tier 2 Pack-A-Punch and it's not too bad it's not doing any damage, it's managing to cope with some of the zombies that are coming up near us so we can do a decent bit of damage with this gun from not even you don't have to be stupidly, close to the zombies, you can still do a decent amount of damage to them.

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So for that, we're going to get a rare tool and shatter blast ammo mod, which really isn't that great at all, but what it is going to allow us to do is just jump up here and then we can tier three Pack-a-Punch this fenic 45, which I'm super excited for, so it's now tier three Pack-a-Punch. We can really test what this gun's going to be like at this point because it's tier three legendary, and for all I'm excited to see what sort of damage this thing is going to do to the zombies we come up against.

modern warfare 3 zombies

And also pay attention, guys, to where my Ammo Reserve is. 1, 350, which is absolutely insane by the way it's an insane amount of bullets to carry I know you get through the bullets pretty fast with this gun because of how fast the fire rate is but having that many bullets in reserve is absolutely nuts so let's see what sort of damage we can do to the yeah this thing's going to absolutely melt through the zombies that we come up against absolutely fry through them with no problem whatsoever, as you can see we are just going to be able to absolutely melt through them it's actually crazy how good this gun is I didn't expect it to be as good as it was I know you guys said it was good against bosses and things like that but let's test it on this Mangler real quick see what sort of damage we can do to a Mangler from up close we should not even one magazine and that Mangler is gone no problem whatsoever for this fenic 45, it genuinely does melt through zombies manglers bosses it seems to be able to do the business of all kinds of zombies.

It is quite as powerful as it is, but it really is powerful, and it is doing the damage that you guys said it would do, so I'm excited to see what sort of damage we can do to this mangler here if we get nice and close. I think we do have insta kill, but I don't know if that makes a difference against high-value targets or not, but we are melting through it pretty quickly, so I'm going to assume that it does.

modern warfare 3 zombies best guns

Yeah, I mean, it just is crazy how good this thing is, so again, we're not going to get anything too useful for us. I'll take another Pack-a-Punch Crystal; I don't really need it, but there we go, I guess. So we've got a mega-abomination just spawned in. Let's see what sort of damage we can do to a mega-abomination.

Let's let it start firing its lasers. Manag to take a head down pretty quick already. Get that mouth open a little bit more. See what sort of damage we can do there. It's not looking too bad so far. We managed to dodge managed to dodge him without even meaning to actually dodge him, which is pretty cool.

Yeah, I mean, this thing just melts, like it actually fries through everything. I'm not going to lie; it feels crazy good, even against the mega-abomination. That just completely despawned right in front of us; we both saw it; we all saw it; it just randomly despawned out of nowhere, which was not the ideal situation.

modern warfare zombies

I wanted to actually test it and try to take it out, but I guess we're not going to do that. But again another tier three contract underway we're going to test it out see if we get better rewards but so far in tier three guys I really can't complain with this fck like I actually there's no complaints from me whatsoever, like I said at range it's not great but I knew it wasn't going to be good at range it's an SMG it's not meant to be good at range you know what I'm saying so I wasn't expecting it to be some crazy like broken SMG AR meta that you guys can go ahead and use I was just interested to see how good it's going to be because it's got that fast fire rate it's got quite a big magazine to be fair like you don't seem to run out of ammo ridiculously, fast as you saw there I can spray for quite a while without running out of ammo so it's not too bad in that department which I did think might be a bit of a concern for me I did think that maybe having a smaller magazine might become a bit of a struggle, for taking down these zombies but it really doesn't seem to be like that at all it's really not a bad magazine side for this gun if I'm totally honest.

modern warfare zombies top 10

So I'm just going to keep grinding through these contracts, doing as much as we can to get as many contracts done as we can to see what sort of loot we can get, and also just keep testing this gun as much as I possibly can. I do, at some point, want to actually take down a mega-abomination without it despawning right in front of my face.

In this video we take a look at what happens when you pack-a-punch the fennec 45 in mw3 zombies! Pack-A-Punching the fennec 45 in MW3 Zombies This Happens. Pack-A-Punching the fennec 45 in MW3 Zombies Best Weapon.
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