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I don't even know where the hell it went. I threw it if it vanished, but that's why I threw it, just in case the [__] was going up the staircase. Now you'll see me looking around a lot, looking for doors and windows. I have yet to learn about these buildings. I don't think many of us have; it's going to take a lot of reps, and again, another reason why you guys need to be out there actively playing aggressive is to not just learn the movement and gun skill blah but also the buildings; these are brand new buildings.

Above, one guy jumps down. I now know they might all jump down. Remember, there's a back side of the building we cannot see if they want to get if they want to get down quickly. They do not want to jump towards us; they want to jump away from us. The first guy fell on the left-hand side, so in my head, I'm thinking they're still up there, but I'm also preparing for them to not be just in case they jump off the back inside.

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But I'm still going to be locked in. Remember, that's really the only danger that we have right now in the situation that we're in. We want to win this game. This is a very good building; it's the highest point on the map with the current zone, so at this point, it's just a matter of. Patience; you see me struggling again.

warzone gameplay

I'm learning the building. I'm trying to figure out where to go. I'm trying to figure out how to get an Ang on these guys without being vulnerable, and this is what I decide. There, enemy now this just a simple nade I go ahead and commit to the second one and, unfortunately I'm not able to finish off my knock or even get the other kill so at this point here we've now need to rotate there's guys under me I could jump off in full sin but I don't feel like dying today so we're going to play the bridge look at the Zone bridge is going to be the highest point you're going to have leverage on everything around you that's just obviously where we need to go the guy under us is clearly going for the res they're going be plating up so they're not really too worried about, us now I don't know if anybody's over here but I do see the bridge I'm thinking to myself maybe, maybe and sure enough there's, one, and his teammate laying prone right next to him even with the smoke the smoke went out a little late already saw his face I knew where to line it up to and honestly just a very easy kill, gas is inbounding.

Here i will be posting better games on this channel but again I'm going through all my gameplay whatever I think you guys can learn from is what I'm going to be posting now let's rewind right here if you're in a vehicle at the end of the game you got to be you got to be real ballsy especially in quads solos whole another ball game but if you're in quads and you're driving around like this you're a psychopath, especially since I'm going to clap your cheeks with a damn snipe that's right all those misses I finally hit one yeah run your mouth now no but I'll just side again I don't recommend vehicles in small zones like this in quads, crazy.

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So at this point it's a 3v2 situation now it's a 2v2 I accidentally jump off myself in a very bad spot it wasn't my intention, then a little bit of movement slide across and hit him to the left and again the movement is very crucial I want to show that right here now I didn't mean for this to happen I meant to vault up an ads, but the game said not today, this guy catches me out with the same exact movement I'm about to get his boyfriend, and then now I'm going to give it to him, so I look to the right, and then as I'm looking left.

I see him again. I slide and look where he's shooting; he's shooting to my right. My teammate's in the building; he's shooting at literally nobody. You guys need to learn slide cancellation. This isn't even a crazy movement. This is just a very basic move that people don't use. For whatever reason, I don't slide to the enemy; I slide to the left.

warzone how to win

Slide to the right, you know what I mean, and he just has no idea, and if I hadn't looked at my health. I would have died, but again, these are just very simple tactics that you guys need to be using inside of War Zone. This is a very basic match. I want to give you guys basic tactics, and as we get a little bit more aggressive, I will be posting a lot more aggressive gameplay.

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