News - The Next Warzone 2 Zombies Update Is Bigger Than You Think. New World Events, Pvp, Act 5

I think in a perfect world, it would have been amazing if Rebirth or Fortune Keep got turned into a big zombie space with a bunch of Tier 2 or Tier 3 zombies, and that will be the same space you spawn into for PVP action. They'll be exclusive weapon cases, unlock schematics, and maybe even side Easter eggs.

breaking news

That would be something really interesting that I doubt is going to happen, so they'll probably end up reusing the same spaces that we already have inside of MWZ. But hey, what about maybe the vortex maps that we saw over in multiplayer? Those can easily be reused for a zombie experience, whether it's a small onslaught or a PVP. There is a lot of potential with where they could actually take us, but it does appear season 4 is going to be PVP-focused considering new pieces of content were just added to the game's files, according to leakers out there, that do suggest a big PVP experience is on the way.

Dmz weapon cases in zombies

Dmz weapon cases in zombies

So they did find what's called a bounty contract, a bounty squad, and a squad reassigning reference.

Or will there be somebody else holding on to the weapon case that's an actual zombie boss, and it's up to us to go ahead and defeat that boss to take the case before another real team does, and then if another team does take the case, can you take them out and then steal it from them? There is lots of potential with how this mode could work out, kind of like DMZ, but really spicing it up with zombies instead of AI, which could prove to be a really addicting and replayable mode that changes things up for those that want something new to actually enjoy with Modern Warfare 3 zombies. Now what was also discovered is a relic hunt contract.

Aether relic hunt with ravenov

Aether relic hunt with ravenov

I believe this is similar to the nuclear contract we saw in the DMZ. We have to pick up a nuclear counter, and you have to go and detect where the nuclear radiation is on the map. You go ahead and find a certain loot cache, grab the radiation rods, and complete the contract.

That way, a zombie version of that contract is apparently coming where you have to hunt down e-relics using an ether counter, and apparently Renov will be guiding you through this quest, and you'll be looking for different e-relics that belong to AA items from her past, whether it's when she was a child, a teenager, or even an adult.


So that's apparently how the contract is going to be broken down, but it does sound pretty interesting, and I know there's going to be some folks upset about the fact that they're repurposing a bunch of DMZ content, including the ability to engage in PvP. But there's a lot of folks out there that don't play DMZ, and this will be very new to them inside of MW zombies, and I feel like, Wait, why don't they just keep updating DMZ?

Well, I know it was confirmed recently that, yeah, Infinity Ward was fully in charge of that mode and stepped away from that. I think it was during season 4 or season five of Modern Warfare 2 as they moved on to their other game completely and obviously some assistance for Modern Warfare 3, so with that in mind, there was no team to take over DMZ at all, and if it comes back eventually totally down for it, but yeah.

I agree, it's sad that support for that mode just didn't continue at least until the end of MW's. Life cycle: obviously, you're able to play the Haunting event through DMZ. But actual support for that mode really stopped after, like, season 4 reload loaded now.

Dark ava & dark entity content

Dark ava & dark entity content

I don't think I mentioned this in a previous article, but apparently an entity called Dark Ava will be present or mentioned somehow in this PVP mode or somewhere else in a future title update. It's unclear if that's a bit of a spoiler for who the dark entity is.

We're apparently going to fight the dark entity in the season 3 Reloaded update, so is it truly Ava? That's unknown; we just don't know, but apparently Dark AA is being referenced in the game's files, so she'll be featured or referenced somehow in maybe this PVP mode or some point after that, but the thing is right.

Act 5 & act 6 missions explained

Referen is worth discovering for the season 5 update, which apparently does contain another dark ether Rift and a cinematic cut scene, so I think season 5 is going to go back to form a little bit, just bringing us a new act. Mission, and then a dark ether Rift with some schematics you can get, and that might actually close out the game's life cycle.

dmz returns

Actually, I'm very doubtful. That season 6 will add anything for zombies considering how close that is to the release of Black Ops 2024, zombies, and the fact that that's probably going to be a big haunting theme season, you'll probably be able to play the Halloween update in zombies or in war zone.

But it won't be any major title update where it's some original content with a seasonal cut scene; they'll probably cut zombies off after the fifth season, but I know there were even rumors about Act 5 and Act 5 and Act 6. I just don't think any of that content is actually going to be happening, because if it did, then that means they would have to cut off Act 4 after Season 3.

modern warfare 3

Maybe do Act 5 in Seasons 4 and 5. If I had to guess, I don't see where Act 6 would fit into that unless they just do one new act per season. Hey, that'd be cool, but maybe Act 5 is the PVP experience, and Act 6 rounds out the narrative. In season 5 and maybe six, maybe that's how they'll do it if they want to further the narrative in a bit of a different way. There could even be some actual objectives to do in the PVP mode apart from just killing other people and taking their loot, and whatever else is offered, but that is about it.

Closing statements

Closing statements

This has been DK Dynamite Lard. I really hope you've enjoyed it, and peace out,

The NEXT MW3 Zombies Update is BIGGER Than You Think NEW World Events, PVP, ACT 5.
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