News - Warzone 2 Zombies Is Getting More Content Than We Thought. Bonus Season 2 Rewards, Easter Egg & Cutscene

breaking news

This is DK Dynamite, and today we're going to be talking about what's next for MW3 zombies, how there's actually more coming in season 2, plus a bonus event.

Zombies comeback after season 2

Zombies comeback after season 2


Com, for those out there that want additional content in regards to multiplayer zombies and even War Zone plus there's plenty of tweets every single hour on detonated Twitter, now although it's a bit ironic that we're getting a zombie theme season for season 2 despite zombies not getting any actual content day one there still is a really good amount of content that is zombies Focus for multiplayer in war zone which I've been covering of course in several separate articles today's article though is just talking about Modern Warfare 3 zombies now something that we went ahead and put out over on detated is that season 2 reloaded which is going to be reportedly March 6th will Mark 3 months without a big zombie update, hopefully the content issue is going to be a one-off type of season 2 problem cuz it would be heartbreaking to see the momentum that mwz, had initially day one back in November and see that just fizzle away as soon as the second season comes out it just really would break my heart but here's the thing about that right as we discussed on the recent episode of the bombshell podcast, with the current rumor right now the trych has stepped away from mwz.

At least beginning with, I want to say, season one, they just put out that season one update and then had to go all hands on deck for Black Ops 2024. Now, before we continue, I just wanted to remind you about Mitch Cactus, Com, where you can get assistance grinding camos nukes or schematics in MW3.

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Who took over zombies from treyarch?

With the rumor that now High Moon and Infinity Ward, possibly even other studios, are now taking over with MW3 zombies, we could just hope that try passed the baton to them and laid out an agenda or some type of outline for the rest of 2024.

modern warfare 3

Indicating that there is still a bunch more content planned for mwz, they just won't be the ones developing it it'll be the other Studios maybe right now is a bit of an adjustment period following the holiday break they all had and then devs getting back into the office maybe it's a big adjustment period where as high mooon or Infinity W are transitioning into working on zombies now they just needed a little bit more time to get things off the ground hence why on February 7th we're not getting anything for MW3 zombies but as we also talked about what would you rather have right you want to have two mediocre zombie experiences, or one that started off really strong but now has to be sacrific in order to ensure that Black Ops 2024, which is coming out less than a year from now really starts off Swinging with potentially two round base maps at launch and the possibility of onslaught outbreak and other round based Maps later in 2025.

I think as of right now, people could probably agree that for try's actual new Call of Duty, which will be the first with a four-year development cycle, that should be the game they fully focus on, even though in a perfect world we should be able to see enough dev teams kind of split the work up and ensure solid experiences for both MW3 and the next Black Ops, but I will say I wish Trck was allowed to put out a statement saying.

Hey, you know, we're going to go all hands on deck for our next Call of Duty project. We're going to pass MWZ on to High Moon or Infinity Ward, so please be patient with them as they adjust to that transition.

Free zombie rewards event in season 2

Free zombie rewards event in season 2

There are apparently four rewards as a part of this event, but it looks like this HT can only be found in Fortune's Keep, which is a bit unfortunate because it would have been perfect if the HT could be found in multiple modes. I mean, for a Zombies theme season. I think it'd be cool if you could see the HVT.

In urzikstan or in fortunes keep zombies, or, hey, even in, let's say, one of the multiplayer maps, that would be cool if the H could be found anywhere because there's only four rewards that you can unlock from this event, which probably means you're going to get one reward per week for a total of four weeks, and like I mentioned, the road map does show that this hvt.

Is in the war zone section of season 2 so that's something that we don't know too much about but we'll learn a little bit more about on February 7th since this is a day one event I'll be making a separate article talking more about the zombie content within Fortune's keep I don't want to really focus on that here in this article since this is just talking about mwz, but figured I'd bring up that hvt type of event cuz even if you guys don't like war zone it probably won't be that much of a struggle for people to just jump in kill an hvt collect some skulls and bones and then hop out to get whatever mwz reward that you're going to end up unlocking now it also mentions you're unlocking monor for zombie items which has me thinking that they're not just zombiie themed Cosmetics like calling cards weapon stickers charms but possibly, actual bonuses like Pack-a-Punch crystals, ether tools maybe even a wonder weapon case sounds like these are going to be rewards that benefit you while playing mwz.

Zombies is getting more than we thought

Zombies is getting more than we thought

Not just cosmetic rewards themed around the mode , but there's something that I haven't seen too much discussion about that a lot of folks actually missed, and that's within one of the blog post images for season 2 zombies and the fact that you could see a pedestal in the background, which appears to be very similar to the pedestal we saw back during season 1 when we ended up getting the update that allowed us to go into the dark ether through the Act 4 mission.

mw3 new act 4 missions

In that Act 4 mission, you ended up seeing some hints for specific items you needed to find over on Ukhan. So Upon finishing the ACT Mission and going back to Ersan in a separate game, there was then a fetch quest to go ahead and collect four separate items, which was a pretty lengthy quest in my opinion to go Ahad and get each of these items, and once you got the items themselves, you're able to place them on pedestals towards the Tier 3 area of the map, and upon doing that, you then unlock the dark ether Rift to go back into Almaza, or excuse me.

Albra Fortress. And once you went ahead with that, you were able to go and do three contracts in the dark ether and unlock three new schematics. And also unlock the ElderSigil version of that dark ether, which is a hardcore mode for that same space, and then if you go into the hardcore mode, do the three contracts again.

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