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This escort contract is just absolutely crazy. With this team, I mean, it was a lot easier, but even with these people, it was still pretty crazy. The thing that makes doing this elder dark ether or just this dark ether in general harder is that we cannot use the Juggernaut kill streaks in here anymore, so that hvt is a little bit harder.


You're going to have to either take it out with your weapon, which you can use like your SMG, or your AR, but I would recommend that you guys bring in something like a VR11. Or something that's going to end up making dealing with them a lot easier yet again, that's just one more thing where it's like you know you should bring in the vr11 if you're going to be doing this solo, so that's just one more thing.

I think it's also going to be your best bet for dealing the most damage to that boss Deyle at the end of the dark ether 2o, so it's just a good idea to bring that thing in when I attempted to tackle that solo. Man, it took me quite a few minutes to end up dealing with him, but when we came in here with all of these guys, you guys are going to see how fast we ended up wiping that guy.

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I actually thought it was really fun to play out, especially with the superpowers and stuff that you get with the exploding, zombie heads, super speed, and all that. I think that's a really cool addition, and they definitely did crank up the difficulty in here. I mean, personally, I think this dark ether is way harder than the first two that we got.


I think that the one contract, like the escort contract inside of the first dark ether, is harder with like the Mega Abominations and stuff like that, but this one as a whole, with just the amount of zombies and everything that it throws at you, is so much that it'll literally make your entire game go in slow motion because it just can't handle the amount that's on the screen.

I would give it to this one to be a little bit harder, but I do have to say that first that contract that escort contract inside the first dark ether is definitely It's very difficult right here. We are at our Easter egg boss now that we've finished up all of our contracts, and just watch how fast we, as six men, deal with this guy compared to how I dealt with him solo.


Night and day difference: if you guys haven't done this boss fight yet, I would definitely recommend that you do so because you're going to be getting that Ram 7 blueprint. It's purple and white colorish, and it's got like the smoke that's coming off of it. It's a really nice-looking blueprint, and it also comes with the underbarrel chainsaw attachment, so it's perfect for zombies.

Just guys go from like 3/4 of health just completely. Drained to death, just D instantly, just absolutely. Crazy, like. I got to admit, guys, if you want to get anything done in this game, that's extremely difficult. If you're struggling with anything, you're going to have an easier time with a full crew.

It's definitely going to be the easiest way to get anything done. Look at that. We ended up getting another golden gas mask schematic out of this, and that's another thing. Guys, so technically there are four contracts in here because you can get the three main contracts done, and then once you get this boss fight done, it's going to give you another Rift that has a chance to spawn in even more schematics and more acquisitions, so that is another really good thing.


It's definitely something that this dark ether has going for it; the other ones don't have those ones; they only have three. This one, you get four chances at schematics and stuff, so that is really cool making our way over to the Xville. Here, this was a damn good run, guys, getting that last schematic.

A big shout out to these guys that came in here with me, and a shout out to the Modern Warfare Zombies Community. You guys are absolute. Legends I appreciate each and every single one of you guys. I'm going to throw that load out for the battleup on the screen right here for anybody that wants to check it out again.

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I hope you have a wonderful day, and I will catch you in the next one.

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