News - The Bryson Shotguns Are Amazing: Goodbye Lockwood 680 (warzone)

But here it is, basically: with that lightbolt attachment on the lock with 680, your time to kill is roughly 674 milliseconds for two shots. For the Bryson 800 with that demo x50 tactical pump, it's about 760. With the 890's rate of fire boost and the demo x50 tactical pump, it's about 722. So the difference isn't crazy with the Bryson 890, but it is noticeable, and the Lockwood 680 definitely wins in this regard, but hopefully you guys are starting to see that the Bryson 890 in particular is actually really damn solid because it has great mobility.

modern warfare 3

Sprint to Fire Speed is amazing, with a solid two-shop potential of eight pellets, and this thing has eight rounds by default with a magazine, so the 890 is actually shockingly good, as is even the Bryson 800, which is the one I generally prefer. I like the feel that it is super solid, it has access to that nice rifle barrel, and it gets a nice tight spread and, of course, eight pellets as well.

Bryson 800 class

Bryson 800 class

It also has a better sprint to fire speed than the lock with 680 , so in terms of the best class for the Bryson 800, this is what I landed on; it's basically similar to what we had in War Zone 2, but the only difference is we're rocking that verdant hook cylindrical laser. That's because it gives us a very nice spread attack stance spread, but it also helps with your sprint to fire speed.

This is the laser I landed on, and of course, when you aim, that laser does disappear, so that's super nice. Everything else is pretty much standard, and for the Bryson 890 , this is probably the better of the two shotguns.

Bryson 890 class

In most cases, if there was a lot more of a range differential. I would say that the Bryson 800 might get that, but the Bryson 890 is, like I said, shockingly good, and this is the loadout I have for that again.

Which pumps are better?

modern warfare 3 best shotguns

The Verdant Hook cylindrical laser is a great laser to run on these things, and they're very, very good so at the end of the day, which pump action is better, the two Modern Warfare 2 ones or the Lockwood 680? And really, it comes down to just sort of what you're trying to do in general. If you're just being really aggressive and trying to get up close to people, the lock with the 680 can be very good, but it sprints at fire speed, can be a little bit bad for some people, and can lead you to some of the most frustrating engagements.

Where you feel like you got caught with your pants around your ankles and you just kind of die because you thought you were getting your shot off but you weren't quick enough and they just melt you with their Ram 9 or their HRM or what have you, but the Bryson have better three-shot potential; they have great damage consistency at ranges; they have eight pellets rather than six; and that Sprint of Fire chef's kiss is amazing and it makes these things feel so snappy, especially if you're used to that lock with 680 and it sprints of fire speed, so in general.

modern warfare 3 shotguns

I would say that overall, these pump actions are amazing. All three of them have their great perks, but I think that if you're going to be an aggressive, really aggressive player, you might want to try the 890. Because the rate of fire isn't far off from the Lockwood 680—eight pellets, eight rounds by default, great mobility, great spinter, and fire speed—it's just a great shotgun.

I had such a blast using these things, and honestly. I hope you guys learned something interesting about these shotguns, and I hope it's surprising to you that these things, the Bryson's, are actually damn disgustingly good. I promise you guys, if you've been using the Lockwood so much in the war zone, switch it out.

Try these Brysons, and I promise you, you're going to have a fun time. Just remember to be mobile, be in and out of cover, and make sure to slide cancel quite a bit.

The Lockwood 680 has always been the go to pump action for Warzone. But after today, that might change. The Bryson shotguns are shockingly good.
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