News - Tactical Weapons Part 5 - Call Of Duty Warzone 2

modern warfare iii

Here we have the AK, Ak 105, and the SVCH; we have the ACR, 450 BL Master, and the VHS2. We have the six spears: the XM7 and the LC9. This is tactical weapon par five, part six, or something like that. I should probably check on what series we're on before I post these articles next time, but again, it's pretty tactical.

I have the T-shirt Stop Shop will be going live here. Within the next day or two.

Welcome to a series where I discuss my favorite off meta tactical weapon builds in the game and why! I will be showing you unique builds and how to most effectively use them in game. Today is our first look at tactical weapons in Modern Warfare III MW3. Today we are looking at some ARs, SMGs, LMGs, and more.
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