News - Solo 'bad Signal' Mission Guide For Warzone 2 Zombies. Gorm. Gant Boss Fight Solo Act 4 Warzone 2 Zombies

mw3 zombies act 4 bad signal solo

Once you've done that last one, you'll then be on to the boss fight, so once you get to that boss fight area along the beach here, you want to head to the small block of toilets and place down two of your sentry guns on the roof these will sometimes shoot and deal damage to the Worm but for the most part these are just not going to take out the zombies that will spawn within the area, it obviously depends on how many of these sentry guns you want to bring in, but these first two centry guns are just not going to last the entire boss fight, so what I've been doing is placing two to begin with and then as the boss fight progresses.

I place down the others that I have while shooting the worm itself. You want to shoot it on the sides of its body, so you'll see some parts of him glowing bright purple. These are his critical points, and shooting him here is going to deal the most damage to him. When you do run out of ammo from shooting him, there is a permanent ammo cach spawn just down here on the edge of the beach, so make use of this as you need more ammo and equipment.

mw3 zombies missions solo

So one of the attacks that he does is he shoots a massive laser out of his mouth and there are a couple of different things that you can do to counter this so when you notice that he's starting to attack you can either shoot him in the mouth and by doing this you can actually completely prevent him from doing that attack, and there's even another critical spot within his mouth that you can hit while you're shooting him, the other option is to sit behind the block of toilets where you've put those sentry guns and when you see him start to do that attack you can just hide behind the building which will prevent you from getting hit and you can then pop around the other side and continue to shoot him, another thing that he can do which is super annoying is that he spits out these orb things which come and attack you and they'll completely shred your armor as well as your health.

Dealing with these seems to be a lot easier when you're solo because, as he shoots them, they don't split up to go for your teammates; they all head out in the same direction, and if you're onto it, you can follow them and shoot them all out as they head directly towards you, as you can see right here that I do on screen.

mw3 zombies solo

Sometimes the worm will eat you, which is actually surprisingly easy to deal with. When this happens, you can actually still shoot him while you're inside his mouth, and sometimes you can even hit that critical spot within his mouth that I mentioned earlier. But if you also spam the parachute button at the same time as you're doing this, when he spits you out, you can just glide to safety and avoid being down.

Another thing that you're going to have to deal with during this boss fight is that every so often he'll just tunnel underground, and he won't pop back up for what seems like forever. Now this is where the RPG or the RGL secondary that I mentioned comes into play, because what you can do is use either of these to create an explosion near him while he's tunneling underground, and if you hit it right.

solo aether worm mw3 zombies

This will force him to come back up to keep the fight going, so hopefully using these tips and strategies will help you counter some of these attacks and annoying things that the boss does, but if for whatever reason it doesn't work out and you get down, you'll still have a bunch of self-revivals in your back pocket to get you back up.

Getting those seals broken at the start to give you as much time as possible is going to be crucial, and just make sure that you're constantly shooting him in those critical spots as often as you can. All right, I'll catch you in the next one. Look after yourself and take it easy.

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