News - Warzone 2 Zombies - Easy Elder Dark Aether. Get All Schematics

aether blade acquisition

So recently, somebody asked me how to e-solo the Elder Dether, especially if you're trying to get the schematics for it. We're talking about the Ether Blade, the golden armor, and the dark bone. Now, while in this article we're going to be three people in this match, I'm still going to show you guys how to do this solo just in case you want to run this solo.

Now there are two contracts you want to actually focus on. Here we're talking about the extractor contract, and here we're talking about the outlas contract. The one we're about to show you first is the one that you don't want to do, which is the escort one, unless you have the vr11. And at least three Circle Board Ammo mods because they're going to come in handy, especially if you're going to do this contract, the escort one, the ACV.

Now this is the contract that you don't want to do; that's the reason why I show you where that one was. First things first, when you come here, you're going to go ahead and take a life. If you don't have a scooter, you're going to have to actually run through this area. Essentially, you should see the building all the way on the left side.

aether blade mw3

You're going to go ahead and actually land all the way on the top side. If you don't, there should be a ladder right there we can actually climb, so this one is for the extractor, and this one is for the outlas Contra, which is going to be by the green bus. Before we actually go to the Elder D eer, which by the way you're going to need an elder seal to actually access the Elder Dark eer, we're going to go ahead and complete a few contracts.

Right here in the Red Zone, I have not had any issues grinding the Elder D ether solo. Now I'm going to show you guys the simple and easy steps to actually find a way to complete this solo. If you guys want to do a solo in this article, we will be playing with three players, and I'm going to show you guys why, now that I started the master solo, something happened in the red zone.

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First things first, one of the things you guys want to do by trying to complete the Elder ether is bring a few things that are a requirement to bring to the Elder D ether. If you don't bring any of these items, you are pretty much not going to be able to complete any of the contracts because the Elder Dark Eternity is going to have a lot more zombies and a lot more bosses than the regular Dark Eternity.

dark aether

One of the things I noticed in the Elder D ether now is that the mega-abomination is going to spawn exactly inside the Outlast contract, which actually makes it a lot more difficult. Another thing is that you're going to find about two to three disciples going into the Elder Dark Eternity, which is absolutely insane.

Now, as you can see right here, I actually went down because my self-revive was not equipped, which is kind of weird. This is not the first time this has actually happened to me, so talking about some of the items is a requirement to actually bring them to the Elder Dark Eternity. We are talking about the L253.

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I recommend at least bringing one or two sentry guns that you can actually place inside the outlaw contract. I didn't do it this time, but usually I'll place a sentry gun right before I actually activate the Outlas contract, the L253. It's definitely a requirement when you do the extractor contract; you're going to need one for each extractor if you're doing three extractors.

dark aether contract locations

By yourself, basically, you're going to need three, but in case you need an extra one, I recommend bringing four. Just in case one is not like you had to throw it for another emergency, so definitely bring four. Also, have three self-revived, two Deco grenades already equipped, and four LT 53s in your stash.

Another thing is to make sure that when you activate the LD seu, you have to go on the opposite wall, as you can see right here. This is when you actually activate the LD seu. You will see where it says expend Elder Seure to activate Rift. Once you go in there, remember, it's all about speed. I'm going to show you guys exactly where you have to go to actually complete this.

Also, a thermal grenade is actually good for the Mega Abomination. Just in case it's doing laer, you can just throw the therine, and you pretty much would blow one of his faces pretty fast and easy. Now, one of the things I'm going to go ahead and recommend is: Do not sit there and stop fighting zombies.

dark aether mw3

Like I said, it's all about speed once you go in there and activate the contract. Pretty much, just run. Do not stand there and try to fight the zombies. Remember, some of these contracts have a time limit, especially the ex-tractors one, which you only have 3 minutes to actually complete. The good thing about jumping here with another player, or at least two other players, is that some of the zombies are going to be focusing on them.

If you're trying to complete the solo, it's still an easy way to actually get it done. Now, one of the contracts is obviously right here once you pick it up, and like I said. I will be making a full, easy guide to actually complete the older D ether and the normal D eater, so stay tuned for that article.

dark aether sigil mw3

Now, one of the things you want to do is, as you can see that guy climbing right there, that is one way to actually do the first one, the right side. I usually don't start on that one; I leave that one for last. I'll show you guys why, so follow this. Right here, I'm going to show you guys exactly which one to do first.

Do not go to the last one over there. Jump down right here just in case there's a lot of zombies on the stairs, and this is the reason why I said make you guys have decco grenades just in case you get trapped by the zombies. As I did right here, go ahead and switch to your LT 53. While you actually have enough time, make sure you guys climb over the ladder.

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If you do get trapped in here, throw the LT 53. Try to hurry up and go ahead and activate the first extractor. If you activate the first extractor, which I kind of got trapped out here a little bit, this is one of the things you don't want to do. Do not waste too much time. Climb on this ladder right here.

easy dark aether

This is the reason why I do that one first, and then we're going to go ahead and climb to the second one as soon as you land here. Remember, you have to throw a LT 53. It's going to be a mangler here, and about three zombies and a dog. Usually, that's how many I see activate that one. Make sure you guys make a run for it, and then make your way to the third one.

Obviously, the first guy did the first one, so we don't have to do the first one. After that, go ahead and collect your reward. As you guys can see right here, we got the bone schematic, we got the golden armor and plate, and we have an epic to do. Now you want to go ahead and grind for the other two schematics.

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