News - Shotzzy's Wsp Swarm Is Meta Ranked Play. Best Wsp Swarm Class Setup Warzone 2

If you have good centering, you can get that first shot right there. I swear, with my build, if you take off that Phantom 5 and add the Dr6 hand stuff and then add the Fortress Heavy, you'll be able to kill that guy right there. I'm using g-hit. This isn't even GH yet. It's definitely going to be J, though I'm kind of just using it for fun and getting dolphins into there faster.

mw3 wsp swarm

You know that Split Second, which helps you get in there faster, helps a ton. See how he plays with his edges too. When he's running around, a lot of pro players are just good players. That's crazy they'll run around on the edges of the map rather than out in the open. They'll stick to things like the walls and things to limit the number of parts that their bodies like being shown, if that makes sense.

I said that in a weird way. I don't mean to give you lazy content, but you know we always do our own games. This one's entertaining. Damn the snap. You see unpredictable little areas, reloading to where he can't get killed, but in that spot I've sat here with an AR before, the enemies hate you.

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It's pretty easy to die there, but you can catch the enemies off guard; they're going to keep spawning there. See, he was there, and then he rotated to a different area. You don't really want to be spotted where you're at because you know you don't want to be predictable. He knows the enem is going to spawn back there.

mw3 wsp swarm class setup

He checks, and he doesn't see the spawn jump back over here. This movement, you know, looks easy, but it's actually not easy at all. That's why you got to go into a private match and do all these things so you could build up the muscle memory and make sure you actually remembered the game. No way why would that could have been so cool that could have been so.

Sick, so he's practicing he's just dolphin uping on little things like that on every little ledge like that you can dolphin up and bounce off, them but if you mess up it can kind of screw I think he does 360 off that I think this that 7 20 or why is he not on, phas, the enemy didn't even see him he just bounces closes the door murders the guy dolphin Dives backwards onto that see how he dolphin Dives and like turns in the air you got to do that stuff too that's why dolphin div is so helpful you can turn your whole body so if you need to get into cover you can 180 and get into cover a little bit.

wsp swarm

That, just randomly Bro Look at that movement you think it's easy but it's not you have to go into a private match that's what I need to do I'm going to stop streaming as much I've been streaming a lot just so I can hit iridescent but now that I hit iridescent, you know I'm just going to I think I'm going to practice more about getting better at these little things in the game and practicing all these little movements so then when I do stream I'm a little bit better on stream and you know we got the war zone Channel up so I got to start getting lots of War Zone gameplays which I think I'll be streaming War Zone on my kick Channel my U my kick streaming account so I definitely go follow me on there I think it's just Cass on.

Kick if you want to see me play War Zone more. Cass is the War Zone Channel. I think there's one more gameplay after this, too. Okay, I think that wraps it up. You guys have a good

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