News - Shotzzy's Wsp Swarm Is Meta Ranked Play. Best Wsp Swarm Class Setup Warzone 2

best wsp swarm class setup mw3

And then recently, I've actually been running the attack mask more because I never really died by nades anymore. I don't know why; maybe it's CU. I'm always rocking my trophy system, so attack mask, though I always get stunned, every time, 24/7. So attack masks are usually what I like to run with, and then for the gloves, the ordinance gloves.

I believe these ones actually just got banned from the league because they're just super overpowered. These ones are very good for spawn nades on Carachi. Ladies and gentlemen, you're about to see a superstar player. This is stupid. How good is he? The class that he just made is a random one. He does switch it after he wins this round.

I skimmed through a little bit, and I was just mind-blown by what he was doing. There's no way this is it. Keep in mind that he's popping off with a horrible, awful class right now, but he's still doing very well. He can do the same thing with any gun, so it kind of shows what you're doing, like game sense over mechanics a lot of the time.


Given that you still need good mechanics, I think you guys know what I mean. Also, you guys can see that he plays with the hybrid city instead of slide only; that is going to become more and more popular as time goes on since you guys will see the crazy movement that he's going to be pulling off, like I think around like 4 minutes I was laying in bed and I was just so astonished.

Like what was going on with what he was doing, like, it is crazy how helpful the dolphin is and just having good movement. If you do want to get to know how good he is at times, then you do want to wait. He has the fortress heavy on him. no, I swear later he has the other attachment on the other stock.

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I think he switches the class five times. I swear, the class I gave you is the one that he was rocking most of the time. I did go to his twitch, and you know, look for the class that he was mostly using. That's also why I give you guys a lot of variations. You see, he changes; he's going to change the class five times.

modern warfare 3

There's a lot of good attachment for the gun right now; he has the DR6 hand stop and likes the short barrel on. Thing, that's why he's back over here; he wants them to spawn in the shacks; he wants them to spawn by the chicken coup. Make sure you always pay attention to the radar too. Whenever you fire a gun, you're going to show up on the radar, so if the enemies fire their gun, you know that they're going to be on the radar right here.

I bet none of you guys do that because I don't do that, and I'm in iridescence. I feel heavy. When you go behind little things like that, it can make it so the enemies don't have aim assist or they don't expect you to be behind a ladder, and that's just like what pro players think of: see, he's slowly making the class; look at that, that's the class I gave you.

modern warfare 3 best wsp swarm class

Guys, I like the class that he's rocking; this is my favorite one, but I believe he swaps it to the Phantom and then has the other stock on. There, look at the movements, and if you think this is crazy crazy, it gets way crazier, like when I was laying in bed and I just busted all over my phone; it was like it was chocked right then, like after I saw his.


I have all them right now, all the attachments. This is a little bit sketchy; it's really easy for the enemies to hold this if he's going against Pro players; he typically loses this right here, but they won the round the nem sold so. Badly, there you go boys see I told you that's the class right there you see that hop thing he's practiced this I guarantee you so many times in a private match you go there you dolphin dive to hit that barel whenever you dolphin dive and you land on a little ledge like that it'll make it so you bounce more so in Moder Warfare 2 not as much in this game but still helps, that's why it's good to play on hybrid but for me I always Dolph KN when I don't mean to I got to go in a private match and just practice for hours, look at that dolphin knif made it so the enemies don't really know where he's at it just helped out, it look like a pter you know what's so insane about this gun is they lose the next two rounds because this article is like 10 minutes long so no [ __ ].

I was going to get my own gameplay, but then I saw this one. I was like, This is way better than my game play. This is way more entertaining, and I can kind of explain what he's doing over here. He's being unpredictable. Look at that hop spot, that jump spot. You don't even know about that. This is when I busted all over my phone.

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Is this segment right? Here, he knows they're going to be spawning back under their control. The spawns are always set, so he knows they're going to be spawning there. He's blocking these spawns to force the enemies to spawn in that corner. They spawn right here, or they spawn in that corner. He's right here, so they have to spawn in the other corner.

mw3 best wsp swarm class

Wait, I'll ask you guys that question in a second. I have a very good question for y'all. Look at this; he's just going back and forth. Nice what the always trying to have the movement see he's always trying to have it sometimes it screws him over but you know in rank play he just going to be practicing things like this I think he's trying to jump on that tarp he was trying to do or something see a lot of regular players including me will just climb up the ladder but no he climbs up the ladder with movement I don't even understand these guys are [__]] dog, [__]] and like he makes it look so easy, you know, he just makes it look so easy, but like we all know, we'd probably get slammed in here.

Well, I don't think I would get slammed in here because, you know, you're a desin. I've beaten a lot of hackers and a few pros only in Search and Destroy, though. Pros and respawn will absolutely rail me; it feels like I'm on an episode of. Championships, which I am going to be going over. I am going to be going to the CDL Championship, like the final game.

mw3 best wsp swarm class setup

I think it's in Texas this year. I don't know exactly when, but I went to that one last year. It was super fun. I actually got recognized once, which was crazy, so if you go there, feel free to try to find me, and I'll take a picture with you. I want to take a picture with you. You don't take a picture with me; I take a picture with you.

You know, he's going back to his little God Spot, and then the enemy, yeah, just bad timing. Well, look at that score of 143 to 16; these enemies are not having it, and it looks like shots. Even doing that much, he's doing enough to keep them off the points and stuff like that. That, he's trying to ping; yeah, he's getting those live pings, so then it's easier to track, and then boom, he can center through the wall a lot of it.

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