News - New" Wsp Swarm Loadout Is The Meta The New Warzone. Best Wsp Swarm Class Setup - Warzone 2

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I'm going to be talking to you guys about one of the most overpowered submachine guns that you guys have been seeing all over the place in Vondal, as well as the normal war zone. Let's go ahead and talk about one of the most overpowered SMGs in the game. So if we make our way over to our weapons class, let's go ahead and talk about the WSP.

Swarm This thing is absolutely broken in the game, and honestly, I'm loving it. But without further ado, let's go ahead and talk about the class setup, so kick it off into the gunsmith. The first attachment we're going to run is a muzzle, and we're going to run the L for our flash hider because this is going to help with our gun kit control as well as our recoil control and our muzzle flash concealment.

This is a very good muzzle, in my opinion, to run. It helps so much with the recoil control, even though this SMG has literally no recoil to begin with. This just makes it even better to use, and kicking it off with our second attachment, we're going to be running a barrel and we're going to be running the WSP.

best guns in mw3

Reckless, 90-long barrel: this is going to help with our gun kit control again, as well as our gun kit control, our aiming idle sway, our bullet velocity, and give us extra range because we are playing war zone, so we want to have maybe a little bit more engagement in medium-range gunfights. Also, as well as obviously this is a SMG, so it's going to make it very easy for close range.

Then, for our third attachment, we're going to be rocking an optic, and I prefer the MK3 reflector, or you guys can run the Slate optic 2. This is going to be a personal preference. If you guys don't even want to run an optic 2, we will talk about what you guys can run. Instead, at the end of the article here, make sure to stay tuned, and for our fourth attachment, guys, we're going to be running a stock, and we're going to be running the FSS Fortress heavy stock.

Because this is going to give us gun kit control, recoil control, firing aim stability, and our attack stance spread. What I mean by that is that it's definitely going to help a lot with recoil on this gun. Certain, it is a submachine gun, so the longer the battles we get into, it is going to be a little bit harder to control.

best mw3 wsp swarm class

If you guys can't tell already, we are running the 100-round drum mag. This is obviously a must for the war zone, just so we don't have to reload as much. If you guys don't think you need the 100-round mag, you guys could swap over to a 50-round mag if you really want, but honestly, to save time on reloading, especially since we're using a submachine gun.

I prefer 100-round mag if you guys don't; that's your personal preference. Now, I did say that when we were talking about the optic If you guys think you're too good and you guys don't like to run the optic and you want to run something else, I prefer taking off the optic. And going to the underbarrel and running the D6 hand stop.

best smg in mw3

This is going to help with ad speed. Our aim is walking speed, our sprint of fire speed, and our movement speed, so it's a little bit more of an up-close, pushing-up kind of flick. SMG, if you want to run it that way, but that is all personal preference. If you guys want to run the underbarrel instead of an optic or if you think one of the other attachments you don't really like as much, maybe the magazine, and you want to swap it over to the underbarrel, but this is going to be for the build for the WSP Swarm, now let's go ahead and kick over into the firing range and do some testing out on some dummies.

So if we go ahead and change these dummy settings, it looks like we already have it set up to no plates, so let's go ahead and see what this thing looks like. I got to control the recoil a little bit more this morning, but I mean, this thing definitely kicks in close to medium range. Obviously, I'm not even going to try a long-range gunfight like that because, crazily, they're just dropping.

That is that is super easy in my opinion, super easy to drop somebody with, you know, one plate. Look, that's two plates right there—two plates in medium ranges. I mean, they're still dropping super fast. Go ahead and kick it up to three plates on the final one right here with the WSP Swarm. Let's go and test her out.

best smg warzone

I mean, that's why 18 bullets in close range take a little bit more medium range. You know that there might be a user error this morning. I'm not hitting in my shots like I usually do, but man, this WSP Swarm is absolutely broken in my opinion. I love you guys

NEW WSP SWARM Loadout is THE META in The NEW WARZONE! Best WSP SWARM Class Setup - MW3.
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