News - Richtofen Did Something Horrible & Samantha Maxis Escaped The Dark Aether. Dr Grey Tie (warzone 2 Zombies)

Did richtofen force grey to have a child to have dark aether powers? (could also spite sam)

Did richtofen force grey to have a child to have dark aether powers? (could also spite sam)

Even for them ending up dead, an idea could be that maybe Eddie Rofin should start experimenting on the recum heads, including Dr. Gray, because we know that they were exposed to large quantities of ethereum, and maybe Rick Toen is trying to create people with superpowers. And so maybe he even forced Dr.

Gray to have a child to be then born with powers.

The new hellhounds are samantha's dog! evidence she is in control (at least partially?)

And what is also interesting is that it does seem like Samantha Maxis is in control of The Dck Ether, or at the very least the dark ether has started to clone her because I speculated in prior articles that the hellhounds are now based on not so fluffy, which was Samantha Max's dog in Cold War zombies.

modern warfare 3 zombies

Now, of course, in The Ether timeline, the hellhounds were based on Samantha's Dog after her father. LC Maxis, teleported her pet dog when they were pregnant, and that's what spawned the hellhounds in this new timeline, though she had a dog as well. Gori Weaver gifted it to her to help comfort her when she was placed in containment.

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