News - New Warzone Drone Easter Egg Solved. All Drone Part Locations & Rewards - Warzone 2 Season 1


This is DK Dynamite, and today we're going to be talking about the long-awaited solution for the war zone drone part Easter egg, what rewards you get, plus some other discoveries. Drop a like, and also, as a reminder, we got plenty of brand new coverage going up over on {399}, expanding on all the coverage you're seeing here on the channel just in the form of articles for those who prefer them, and plenty of tweets every single hour on {399}tter as a reminder as of today on all platforms.

Triple XP is now live for Moder Warfare 3 and even War Zone. This will be lasting until. I think, around Monday, so take advantage of that if you're still a little bit behind with your player-level weapon level or your battle pass progression here in season.

Icymi: codmas event & secrets

Icymi: codmas event & secrets

But yesterday I made a article talking about all these secret rewards challenges and unlocks, in the new Christmas event and that's of course separate from my full event breakdown that I posted a couple of days ago these secret challenges were a bit confusing to talk about since some folks out there are reporting that they're doing some of these challenges not getting their Rewards or getting different rewards from what their teammates are getting I know it's a bit of a mess but I updated the article with more information about how to get all the free Cosmetics, as a part of the Cod Mist event but there's a bit of an update I wanted to include here in this article which is how to get the he hunts you animated calling card People out there have discovered that over on Zstan at the very edge of Oldtown.

New krampus easter egg solved

You could actually interact with Krampus's arm, and it'll give you a little sound cue saying that Krampus will return, and you will then get the animated calling card unlock, so maybe there's more secrets like this lying around the map that we just haven't discovered yet. If that is the case.

How the drone ee works in wz

How the drone ee works in wz

There was a small chance of coming across random drone parts, and as a clarification, here is how this works: This can only be done in Battle Royale, not plunder, and, of course, not in Resurgence since you don't get the entire map to play on anyway.

Watch this before doing the ee

But over the last couple of weeks people out there have been finding these drone parts and no one could seem to find more than a single part in an individual match so my theory early on was that you can only find one drone part in a single game and you'd have to place it somewhere, then your progress would carry over into your next match that's been my working theory for a little while , and now we could confirm that multiple Parts can indeed spawn in a single match but the max I've seen spawn in a single game of War Zone was two parts now the cool thing is that my theory was proven true as of yesterday which is that you don't have to collect all five drone Parts in a single game this can be done across multiple matches and your progress does carry over the problem though is these drone parts do seem to despawn, after the first Circle closes in not sure if that's intentional.

Is that a bug? We'll have to wait and see, but I'd recommend doing this with the team. You'd want to make sure that you cover as much ground as possible with all the possible spawn points for these drone parts, as we'll get to in a second, but there isn't shared progress for this Easter egg, meaning that if you guys find a drone part and one player puts it down, that part isn't considered placed down for your other teammates only you, so it's an individual type of Easter egg, and the reward will only be given to the player that places all five drone parts successfully , so here's what you're looking for: you're looking for five different drone parts.

All 5 drone parts you need

All 5 drone parts you need

The funny thing is that everybody, including myself, thought there were only four parts until we found the fifth one, so you're looking for a rightwing, a left wing, a drone body, drone blades, and a drone battery, and that'll be it now. What's weird about this, though, is that you can actually mix and match some of these parts for completion if you're like, what does that mean?

Well, here's how this works, so let's say you've built nearly the entire drone you found—the right wing, the body blades, and the battery—but you're missing the left wing. If you, for whatever reason, come across a right wing again, you can also place that down, and it counts as the left wing.


I don't know why that could just be a bug, but that's a bug that actually works in our favor. I don't know if you can mix and match any of the other parts; I doubt it, but it looks like the wings are interchangeable. So you can finish this with having two right wings or two left wings, or you could just find the right and the left and put it down that way.

That's how this Easter Egg works.

Where to build the drone

On detonated, but in terms of where you can place or assemble the drone parts, it's going to be on a crate right near the manor again. This was just found while I was streaming as of yesterday. I wasn't the first person to find the crate, but right when this crate was discovered.

I went over there on stream and managed to actually find the drone part, right across the way from where this crate is in the Tennis Court by The Shahen Manor, so what are the odds of that? I thought that was hilarious, but big shout out and credit to killer SDS, a good buddy of mine who I've been in contact with for a while, especially for this Easter egg and War Zone Tech map.

They were the first two people to actually successfully assemble this drone in a match of War Zone Zstan. So now that you know where to actually place the parts, always keep in mind that if you find the part in the game, you need to make sure you dart your way over to this crate by The Shahan Manor as best as you can to place it down before you end up getting killed or before the circle takes the manor out of Zone.

If the manor gets taken out of Zone, I mean, try to get some durable gas masks; several of them bring stim shots. Try your best to still get to this crate to place the part down before you die. Always make sure you're being as speedy as you can when it comes to this, and that's why I'd recommend, if anything, having maybe one of your teammates grab a helicopter. Have a vehicle ready so you can get to where you need to go as quick as you can, but now this is where you can find the drone parts.

All drone part locations!

All drone part locations!

This is where things get crazy, so we have a nice, beautiful detonated graphic put together by Fardi detailing exactly where these drones Parts can be found, so just about all of these spawns are on rooftops.

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