News - New Top 7 Best Guns To Use After Update Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups

best class mw3

I'm giving you guys the top five best-class setups in Modern Warfare 3, and we're going to start out with the newly buffed hogar 556, though on the VT7 spirit fire suppressor for being undetectable by the radar. Reco control bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of a down side speed aim walking sadness and sprint to fire speed next on the 5.56.

Nato highgrain rounds Now, if you guys don't want these, that's completely fine. You can throw on anything else, but this just gives it even more bullet velocity than it already had. Next, put on the 40-round mag. Now, in my opinion, I don't really recommend 20. I don't think it's worth it, but if you want to subset the BT7, spier, and pressor negatives, then you can put this on.

Next. I put on a Mark I reflector, but honestly, you can put on anything that you guys want; it's completely personal preference, and next, the RB adle assault stock for recoil control and gun kick control at the cost of aim-down sight speed. This is, honestly, one of the easiest weapons to use in the game right now.

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I would say it's actually better than MCW, especially after the buff. This thing is absolutely busted, and you're going to just need to try it out. It's absolutely ridiculous, and if you want even less recoil, like I said, you can change it around, but here's the entire class setup right here, bt7.

best class setup mw3

High-grain rounds, 40 rounds, and a Mark 3 reflector, along with the RB assault. If you guys don't want the NATO High-Grain rounds, then most likely you can throw on the Cheerio 6 match if you guys want to basically do the same as a war zone, but if you guys like this setup for multiplayer, then feel free to use it.

Next is the brand new SOA subverter. You guys have to try this out and throw on the shadow strike suppressor for being undetectable by radar. next throw on the 50-round drum Now, if you guys don't want this, you guys can use a 76230, round mags, and honestly, you will have fewer negatives. I mean, it depends on what you think is enough bullets and multiplayer.

best class setups mw3

I think 30 is enough, but if you want to use 50 completely up to you, next put on the tack handler grip for sprint of fire speed, tack stance at the cost of recoil control and Flinch resistance, and last but not least, the HRT low precision stock for aiming out way, firing aim stability, and gun kick control at the cost of aim walking speed and movement speed.

In my opinion, this gets the job done very easily; it takes very little and no effort, and if you guys want an even better build, then you guys can get something for less recoil or we can do better movement, but I think overall this build right here is absolutely fantastic and just gets the job done.

So here's the entire class set up right here. Make sure you guys take a screenshot of whatever you have to do with the BP50. Start out with the VT7, a special fire suppressor; it helps with being undetectable by the radar. Recoil control bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of aim down sight speed aim walking stus Sprint to fire speed; now it's honestly not a big deal.

best gun after update mw3

Lower and heavy barrel; this helps with BL velocity and range gun kick control. Reco control and firing aim stability at the cost of HIIT fire attack stand spread aim for walking speed Sprint to fire speed and Sprint speed put on the Brun heavy support grip; this helps with gun kick control, aiming out of sway horizontal Reco firing aim stability, the cost of vertical recoil, and aim down sight speed.

45-round M because I think this is just the optimal choice, and last but not least, the Moot 40 stock for gun kick control, aim down sight speed, aim walking speed, and recoil control at the cost of firing aim stability. Sprint to fire speed and sprint speed with movement speed This thing is actually ridiculously good and does not take much effort to use.

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It's actually ridiculous how good this thing is. It's an iron sight weapon that has practically no recoil, like I'm not even at 120 fov, so people that actually play at 120 fov, it's actually going to look even more insane than you guys see. Close range is amazing. The medium range is amazing, and the long range is amazing.


This is actually the same class setup I use in War Zone. It's because in solos, this thing is an absolute monster. This is the only thing that you actually need, so here's the entire class setup for the BP50. If you made it this far, I want you guys to comment. I saw that we're going to trick everybody who actually doesn't watch the entire article, and it's going to be really funny.

Next is Ram 9, and this thing is absolutely incredible in multiplayer and war zone, so I have something very special for you; they're on the Z in the 35 compensated flash hider. This shortens radar pings, increases vertical and horizontal recoil control, and increases firing aim stability. Now you do lose some bullet velocity and aim-down sight speed, but it's not a big deal.

In fact, if you look, the bullet velocity reduction is not that much; it's only a 5% reduction, and honestly, I think that you're not even going to notice it. Next, I put on the DR6 hand stop for aim walking speed, aim downside speed, sprint to fire speed, movement speed at the cost of his fire attack, spread, and aim walking steadiness.

cod mw3 best class

Put on a 40-round mag now. If you want to put on 50, that's all the power to you. I don't really think you need it. I think that thing shreds fast enough so you can put on 40 and most likely WIP out at least half the team before you have to reload. I put on the retort 90 grip tape for firing aim stability, gun kit control, and recoil control at the cost of aiming at sway, and last but not least.

I put on the HPS 3.4 pad for gun kit control aiming at sway, firing aim stability, and recoil control at the cost of movement speed. Sprint speed, aim walking speed, and sprint to fire speed—honestly, this thing is ridiculously easy to use; it's a super powerful weapon, and honestly, even at long range, if you just burst fire, it's like, look how fast that actually takes your enemy out; they're not even going to be able to react in time by the time you actually try to shoot them, so this is an overall fantastic weapon.


You burst fire for the long range, and you can continuously fire from short to medium. It's honestly, I would say, the best weapon in MW3 right now, but I mean, that's just my opinion. You guys can choose whatever you want as the best weapon, but here's the entire class setup right here. I highly recommend screenshotting.

Use it at least once. I know you guys are going to do really well with it. You're going to be shocked at just how amazing it is next for competitive. I mean, the Rival 9 is a given. I have to give you guys this class setup, and I mean, this is honestly the best choice for competitive on the LR flash hider for muzzle flash concealment.

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