News - Warzone 2's "new" Top 5 Meta Class Setups After Update. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups

best class mw3

In today's article, guys, I got you the top five metal loadouts here in Modern Warfare 3 season 2 now, with us only being 15 days away from season 3. For weapon number one, guys, we have the easiest weapon here in Modern Warfare 3 to use, and that is the MCW, one of my favorite weapons here in Modern Warfare 3, and it deserves a spot on today's article for this build.

You can use it in rank play. You can use it in pubs. It doesn't matter if this thing fries. And for my first attachment, guys, we are going to start with the optic here, and we're going to go ahead and add on the MK3 reflector now. I like this attachment a lot. This is my favorite optic to run as of right now, but there are so many good ones here.

You have the classic quarters, you have the nighter model, and you have the slate reflector. I mean, again, there's just so many good options here in Modern Warfare 3 and Modern Warfare 2 Optics. Choose what you guys like for me. I am going with the MK3 reflector here for our next attachment, guys.

best class setup mw3

We are going to the rear grip and adding on the RBL PSL grip. This is one of my favorite attachments to use on the MCW. Every time I make a build on the MCW, this attachment goes on for me personally; it's a must-have. The firing aimx ability is going to come in crazy clutch with this weapon at those longer ranges, just like with this gun's K control and recoil control, but realistically.

This weapon doesn't really need any more recoil control because the fire rate isn't that fast, and the recoil control on this weapon is pretty good, but having this attachment on is going to make the weapon so much smoother when firing, more calm, more accurate, and easier to control at those longer ranges.

And like I said, every time I've used this weapon, this attachment goes on 100%, so of course this will be going on. Now we are going to go over here to the underbarrel next, and we're going to be adding on the DR6 hand stop grip. We're getting aim walking movement speed, aim down size speed, sprint of fire speed, and movement speed.

best class setups mw3

Now, like I just said, the weapon doesn't have too bad recoil control; it's pretty easy to control, and with the rear grip going on, this weapon is super easy to use, so we can kind of work on a little bit of more mobility and handling to help us be a little bit more aggressive. We have that run and gun type of play style, so we're going to increase that movement speed so we are moving faster around the map, getting into more engagements, and getting those high-kill games.

We're shooting faster off each sprint, and we're also aiming down sides faster, which is going to help with being more aggressive. Also, if you do pre-aim a lot like myself, having that aim walking movement speed does come in clutch a lot of the time, so of course we are going to add this on now for the muzzle guys.

We are going to go over here until we reach the L4 flash hider. Now this is a mod Warfare 2 optic here you can use in rank play and everything; it's going to help with muzzle flash concealment; it's going to help with recoil control; and gun kit control just makes the weapon a lot better to control at those longer range gunfights.

best gun after update mw3

Because in those short to medium ranges, you're not going to have any troubles whatsoever. Once you start getting to those longer ranges, you do need a little bit of gun kick control and recoil control, so this attachment is going to come in clutch a lot of the time for those longer range gunfights, and then for our final attachment, guys, we are going to the barrel here and adding on the 16.5.

In the MCW cyclone long barrel, we're getting bull velocity and range aiming, auto sway, and firing aiming stability, which is going to help out a ton here, and to be a little bit more exact, here we are getting a 15% increase in our effective and minimum damage range and an 18% increase in our bull velocity.

For our second weapon, guys, we have the number one SMG here, in my opinion, which is the Ram 9. Now, if you disagree that this is the number one SMG, I am very curious. Auto-sway firing, aiming stability, and recoil control—this attachment is a must-have. In my opinion, we're going to be more calm and smooth when firing, and more accurate and easily controlled at those longer ranges.


I think it's a must-have here, so we're going to be adding this on for our first attachment. Next, we have the rear grip, and we're going to be adding on the retort 90 grip tape. Another must-have attachment, in my opinion, now out of all the builds I have for the ram on my channel. This attachment goes on every time I make a article on this weapon.

I think it's really good that the fing ax ability is going to come in Crazy Clutch here with that fire rate, making it more calm. Recool control and gun kick control are also going to make it better controlled at those longer ranges, and you know at those medium and longer ranges you need that recoil control up, plus you really don't need that in all gunfights you need stability.

cod mw3

In those longer ranges, you need that greo control, so of course we are going to add this on now. With this weapon being a primary weapon, we're going to be using it as a primary. We are going to go to the magazine and add on that 50-round mag now if you're going to use this SMG as a secondary. I do like the RAM 9 with its handling and everything, so we're going to increase that to make it a little bit better, which is really good, and then for our final attachment, guys, we are going to the muzzle here and we're going to go over here until we reach the zamon 35, compensated flash hider, we're going to shorten that radar ping, we're going to get more vertical recoil control, add some horizontal recool control in this, and get more firing aiming stability.

Next, guys, we're going to the rear grip and adding on the FSS, combat grip. We're getting stability—a lot of that, gun kick control, and recoil control. With LMGs having really good damage range and this one having a good fire rate and accuracy, we can work on a little bit of recoil control. Mobility and handling are the only things that we need to worry about here with this LMG, so we're going to be adding this on.

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