News - New" Tombstone Glitch. How To Go Into Dark Aether And Keep Tombstone. Mwz Tombstone Glitch -warzone 2

There's no timer. Tombstone, so we're loading back in. We're making some progress in-game, but as you can see on screen, we kept all of our items. We obviously did lose our elder sigil, but it's not a big deal. We have plenty of those to use, and we have some sitting in our tombstone. Now, once this is all set and done, you can do one of two things.

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Either go ahead and depot as many things as you can in your Ru Sack or rinse and repeat for the next game. It's going to be super easy to do and super fast. You can go ahead and take that weapon off if you want to. Go ahead and double check, and make sure you have Tombstone. When you go back into the next game, which is what I'm doing just to make sure I have Tombstone and I did all the timing correctly, now I'm going to go ahead and jump in and show you guys that we still have our Tombstone with every single item that we originally had, so we'll catch you in a minute.

Well, we're back on the map, and you can already see right there that we got a really good spawn and our tombstone is still in game. If you guys do this glitch correctly, you're going to be spawning your tombstone every single time in the courtyard or cemetery area. This is going to be where your tombstone's going to be, just like every other tombstone glitch, whether it's out of bounds or whether it's going to be the portal glitch.

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All of that is going to always be the spawn rate for the church. SL Cemetery, and area, so once we get over here, we will show you guys that we have all of our items, and you can do one of two things. You can either go and redo the glitch again if you want to go back into it, the dark ether, or whatever you wanted to do, or you can do the portal glitch, or you can drop them for another player, and we are back to our Tombstone, as you can see.

I already have way too many items right here, so I'm trying to debate on what to do with all of these, but there is somebody sitting right here wanting some stuff, so I figured, Let's be nice; let's drop some stuff for this guy, and as you can see, he goes absolutely crazy for him.

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