News - New" Solo Keep Tombstone Glitch Dark Aether Season 2 Warzone 2 Zombies "post Patch" Elder Sigil

Now check this out, so we did a successful fill. Let me move my camera here. Yeah, we did. We did a successful job. Obviously, we moved because we lost the signature, so that's why I brought two, so I'll bring a second one in. We'll keep duping that, but we still have everything. You lose your ether blade because you successfully filled everything else.

Everything else is going to stay. Your insured weapon actually turns into a check. Contraband yeah, contraband, which is actually a good thing. Let me show you why you lose your insured slot, but it's much better than keeping an insured slot that will renew in 2 hours if you don't fill it successfully at all; it'll be even faster if you do.

modern warfare 3

If I take that out, boom, you now have a contraband, fully kitted gun to use whenever you want, so let me go back and prove to you that the tombstone is still there and still has the same items in it. It's just that these glitches just keep getting better. Man, all right, look at that tombstone still there.

Get your money back. Get all of your items back there, and we go. So just like that, you can go into the dark ether portals. Elder sigil doesn't matter; you can continuously duplicate those sigils or Elder sigils at the same time, including your Scorchers Flawless ethereum crystals, everything every single round.

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So now that the dark ether is open, your tombstone stays, your essence remains, and everything is in a good place.

NEW SOLO KEEP Tombstone Glitch in DARK AETHER SEASON 2 MW3 Zombies POST PATCH Elder Sigil.
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