News - New "meta" Ranked Play Classes Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups

You could take off the moat, I guess, and then go over to the rear grip and add the Thirst grip tape. That one's pretty good, but I'd probably take off the muzzle and add that rear grip if you do want to switch up the build. Here is a screenshot of the build I'm rocking. Again you could take off the optic go over to the comb and then add one of these or you could even take off the m i mean you could take off the optic, go over to the rigp and add the grip tape you're going to be seeing a lot of builds for these guns especially as time goes on since everyone's a little bit newer to them and you know they're trying to figure out what's best and what's not good and then Al so I think I showed you guys all the main ones wsp swarm, this is going to be in my opinion the best WP swarm in the game right now this thing should be taken out of ranked very soon because this thing is like an AR not going to be going over it just quickly you know take that screenshot try off that class Striker 9 also a very good SMG I love how rank play now there's so many variations so many different things that you guys can be rocking, next week I'll do an updated setup of what all the pros are using and what is really dominating.

It's just going to take, you know, some days to really go over all that, but right now, just know that the hoger is going to be the best gun that I don't even know why it's in the game right now, and with all that said, that is going to wrap it up. I will show you guys the perks real quick. Usually, I just run the assault gloves with the SMGs.

Although Marksman gloves for the SMGs are pretty good because they reduce a lot of that Flinch, making it easier to stay on target, usually for the ARs. I'll use the marking gloves for the SMGs. I'll run the assault gloves; the other ones are pretty good, but these pros outweigh all these ones, and then we got the cover sinker so you can run around and be a little bit quieter.

Sometimes though or, like a lot of time at the very beginning of a match like if I'm playing Invasion control I'm trying to get to the a control very quickly at the very beginning I'll run the lightweight boots I can get there faster and then after I die once then I'll switch back over to covert sneakers, keep mind if you do run the lightweight boots you can run the dead silence and then when you want to be quiet you can pop the Dead Silence usually the trophy, is going to be the best one really haven't been dying by nades that much so I've been running Tac Mass that's actually been helping a lot, and EOD still very good kind of depends on what's happening to you in the match and if you guys do want a very good rened build this is going to be my favorite renetti at the moment and I see a lot of very good players rock this comate flash is actually going to be the best one on there, and yeah definitely try out that retti build.

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