News - Update Your "ranked Play" Classes Right Now. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups - Season 6 Warzone 2

Best taq 56 class setup

Best taq 56 class setup

The season 6 update is finally here, and with that, there were many buffs and nerfs, so I'll be going over every single best class of the four ranked plays. That being said, the rewards this season are really not that enticing. I actually only got the Crimson skin; I would have gotten the Iridescent, but there are so many hackers out there.

Maybe the G vinic, or if you want your account ranked up to iridescent? Well, you should definitely check out Guapi. Guapi is a company that will play the game for you, and they'll get any cam or any skin that you want. It is also a pretty good option, but for this tag, the first thing you want to do is add the tunder pearl barrel.

best cdl classes mw2

This is going to severely increase that damage range, making it overall so much better at range. Then, for the next attachment, you guys want to go ahead and bring up the mobility. But for me and most players, we are going to be adding the shark fin 90, and then from here, it is going to be a personal preference thing for me because I'm pretty good at the game.

I don't really need to add a muzzle; usually, I'll go ahead and add the high-velocity rounds. This is going to improve the overall hit registration on the game, basically making it feel like you're playing on a better ping, but if you don't really see a difference, then honestly. I would take off the high velocity rounds or I would take off the demo clean shot grip, and then I would go over to the Mone and add the VK.

The Colossus flash hider is going to be the most popular muzzle for the TAC 56. It basically eliminates all the recoil off the weapon, so here's a great screenshot of the class hold-on, though that's not the full class, so the secondary. I am going to be running a knife just so I can run from point A to point B a little bit quicker if I'm on Hydra I will be running a pistol on here for the Tactical stun lethal seex, if I am playing Search and Destroyer.

I usually I'll be running the frag grenade and then for the perks I always run the same thing for the field upgrades I usually run the trophy and then if I'm on search and Destroyer I usually run the Dead Silence since we do get like search and a stray and respawn like a lot it gets annoying to like make your class over and over, so that's why I have one regular respawn, class, and then I have the Search and Destroy version of the TAC 56 That's going to wrap it up.

For that, let's get into Val 46.

Best vel 46 class setup

Best vel 46 class setup

So, in my opinion, the Vel in my opinion is going to be the best SMG in the game. The basm is also a very good option, but overall, I feel like I do so much better with the Vel 46. Control, like if you're using the building, you cannot hit your shots. Try out the Commando Forgrip or the Edge 47.

For me, though, because I would say I'm pretty good at the game, I'm going to be running the shark fin 90 for the next attachment to bring up the mobility a little bit more. We are going to add the Skager soldier grip. This is just going to make it so you can run and gun a lot more efficiently. For the next attachment, we are going to be adding something to again boost that mobility.

Basically, this gun has like zero recoil, or it's just overall so easy to use that you don't really need to have like recoil control attachments, which is why we are going to be adding the demo RXT. Stock. This is just going to severely boost that mobility. This last attachment is a personal preference.

best guns for ranked mw2

Usually, you are going to want to run the 30-round mag just because it's going to make it so you can run around the map a lot quicker, you can ads, you can fire your gun after sprinting a lot quicker, plus it allows you to reload, super quick, and so yes, it is bringing down the ammo count from 40 down to 30, but you can reload, so much quicker that it really does make up for it at first.

It is going to be a little bit weird, but with practice, you are going to be able to pop off with the build, so if you guys do want a screenshot of the class, here you go. If you do want to increase the damage range on the gun, then honestly, I would take off the muzzle, go over to the barrel, and add the Tango and barrel.

This is going to make the gun actually feel like an AR. Then I would go over to the stock and I would add the assault 60, stock that's going to eliminate all the recoil on the weapon since we are not running a muzzle. Then for the underbarrel, go over here and add the Brewing Sink Shot Grip or the Commando Forgrip if you want more recoil and control.

But this build right here is going to be a little bit of an easier, more beginner Vel 46, build, but that's not all well. The class is going to be the same as the tag. I just want to show you guys the Vel 46. I do like to have a Search and Destroy class in which I do have a frag grenade, and that just saves me time so I don't have to edit my class before the match.

Best vaznev 9k class setup

Best vaznev 9k class setup

This next SMG is going to be the Vasm 9k, and we all know the Vasm is a very dominant weapon within ranked play. Before I go into the setup, though, I do get a lot of comments from people asking how I get these Spider-Man vasms.

It's not too expensive, but you do have to buy the Atlanta phase blueprint, which honestly has most of the attachments that we are going to be going over today. Then you want to go over to customize, go over to the camo, go to all camos, then go over to the solid colors, and then you want to add the azua color, and so it's going to add the blue within the Atlanta phase blueprint, making the gun so beautiful.

With all that said, for the muzzle, we are going to be going over and adding the Spy flash heater. This is just going to eliminate a lot of the recoil within the weapon, overall making it a lot easier to use for the next attachment. But it just increases that damage range so much, making the weapon super easy to use, and then if you are using this and you're like, damn.

I'm running out of ammo, obviously go ahead and add the 45-year-old mag. I feel like it's going to hurt more than it helps, and so here's a great screenshot of the pro player. Vas, setup i cannot speak, so those three setups are going to be the most common and best setups that you could possibly be using in ranked play, but if you are on a hydro, because there's a lot of water spots.

Important tip

Important tip

I do recommend you guys make an extra class, like for me. I usually use the Vel over the vasm, and so for my SMG.

Hydro class: I actually do have a pistol on there, so the way I built this pistol is that it has the whole puncher breacher on here, which is going to allow you to melee the enemies underwater.

Best lachmann 556 class setup

Hydro this next build we are going to be going over is the Lochman, 556. This gun is severely underrated and ranked poorly.

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