News - New" Best Meta Classes Warzone 2 Ranked Play (season 3 Ranked Play)

I just realized this: for the rear grip, you can use the marauder grip, or you can change out the rear grip, and you can just put a 40-round magn This gun does run out of ammo fast, but in rank play. I don't ever feel like needing to run a different magazine. Just because you're going to get into a lot of gunfights and you're going to die a lot, there's not really a point in keeping having to have a long magazine.

You get me, like, you're going to get in a lot of engagements. You might get one or two and then just die right away, so I don't know. It's up to your personal preference. At the end of the day, just try it out and see what you like.

In todays video im going to be showing you guys the new meta classes after this horrible update we just got after they nerfed the two best guns everyone uses. Although we still use the same guns they got incredibly weaker.
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