News - Stash House Is Insane - Warzone 2 Season 2 Map


I'm Mr golden Gamer, and I make gaming articles that nobody watches. The Modern Warfare 3 season 2 update came out yesterday, and I've been enjoying it so far. We just hit 750 subscribers, and we're on our way to 1, 000 subscribers. If you like Call of Duty, I have tons of content planned for season 2 and beyond, as well as some other FPS gaming content.

If you're interested in that type of thing. I'd love to have you on board of the three new multiplayer maps that were added to Modern Warfare 3 in season 2; only one of them got its own 24/7 playist, and that's this map. Stash House Stash House is absolute chaos, and to be honest, it's a ton of fun.

I'm really enjoying playing on this map. The best way I can describe this map is that you take a shipment, make it a little bit bigger, and put it in the suburbs. This is almost like a reimagination of a shipment; although it is not a one-to-one version of a shipment, you can very clearly see the inspiration.

cod mw3 season 2

This is a square map, and each corner of the square has some type of cover for you to work off of, so in the corners, like I am in this article, you can use a longer-range weapon in the corners and kind of fire down each lane along the edge of the square, but if you go into the middle into the Stash House itself, that's where your Close Quarters engagements are going to happen for the most part, so you can rock your shotgun in there with your SMG.

It is absolute chaos inside the house because there are so many nooks and crannies inside. It's not like in the middle of a shipment at all; there's so much going on, so many little hallways and little pieces of cover for people to be behind. It's nuts in there, but you can still very clearly tell that the shipment was the inspiration for this map, and I like that.

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I think this is cool. It's crazy to me that this game has so many small maps. Now they started out with rust, obviously the one from the original Modern Warfare 2, and then they added a shipment from last year's game. After that, they added meat in season 1, which is a very small map. Now here in season 2, we're getting Stash House, which is a small map, and then later on in season 2, we're going to get the new version of Doss House, which is also an extremely small map, so they are going absolutely wild with these shoot-them-up maps.

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These are not the maps you really have to have your brain on at all. This type of map is wherever I just have like a podcast on or some music, and you're just shooting people. That's really all this is—shooting people on this map—but it's fun. I enjoy that sometimes. Do I enjoy that all the time?

No, but do I enjoy the option to have it? Yes, and am I happy? That shipment is not my only option to do that type of gameplay. Hell yeah, I am. The shipment has gotten so old over the past few calls of duty that I'm just sick of it. Now we have some alternatives, and good alternatives at that.

That was a very good small map, and this map so far seems to be a very good small map, so overall, I'm pretty happy about it. It definitely does seem weird that they have so many small maps. I mean, after Dos House comes out, that's going to be five small maps in this game, which seems like a lot, but if you consider the original offering of maps for this game, they were Modern Warfare 2 from 2009 OG Maps.

modern warfare 3

Those maps are all medium- to large-size maps. The only small map there was rust, and that is definitely an outlier. What's the next-smallest map after rust? Is it like a scrapyard? I don't know, but scrapyard isn't necessarily a small map, so I think what they're aiming to do with these DLC maps is give us more small map experiences to kind of balance out the big versus small maps to give us a more well-rounded package when it comes to map offerings, and I like that I like the ability to go snipe on Rail and then my next game be on shipment, or Stash House.

You know, it's really cool to have all of those experiences in one game, and I'm a big fan of it. I hope they continue to add more diverse experiences to the game. Speaking of more diverse experiences, they just brought carry forward maps into the regular quickplay 6v6 rotation, so we have even more gameplay experiences in the map pool now, and there are a lot of people that are against a lot of this carry forward stuff, but honestly.

modern warfare 3 season 2

It's more content so long as they don't bring the maps from Modern Warfare 2, which I absolutely hated. I'm cool with it; the more content, the better. In my opinion, I have absolutely no problems carrying forward. It's wrong with what I paid for last year, sure, but why not play it again this year?

What's wrong with that? I don't get it as far as the other two new 6v6 maps here in season 2. I hadn't really played either of them all that much; they don't have a 24/7 playlist, so you kind of have to wait for them to come up in the rotation. I played Vista a couple times, but I haven't gotten departures yet at all, but I did pull it up in a private match, and the map seems absolutely huge with a lot of different paths to take, so it might take a little bit of learning on that one, but Vista so far seems okay.


I just need more time before I actually have an opinion, but here on Stash House, I think what it is a very good map. It's a very good, small, chaotic, and hectic map. It is not meant to be taken too seriously. It's meant to be a kill house where you just shoot people and die spawn die spawn die spawn die.

That's what this map is, but sometimes that's fun. So far, season 2 seems pretty good. From everything that I've played, there's a lot of multiplayer content. I haven't even had time to really explore all of that, and I know there's a ton of new content in War Zone with Fortunes Keep Coming Back and all that, but I haven't had time to play that yet.

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Once again, guys, I'm Mr.Golden Gamer.

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Stash House is a new map in Season 2 of MW3 and it is absolutely crazy. This map is almost as chaotic as Shipment. This just adds to the great selection of small maps in MW3.
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