News - Jev Plays Warzone 2. 0

I didn't even get an error; it literally just closed. Fender, I keep spawning back in with this guy, and I have to keep reselecting a different operator to get them off CDL. That's cool, and I bet the phase ones are crazy nice looking. Well, they do have a Nova skin in the store, so, I mean, if we're getting sweaty, you know what I mean, sh*t, we're ready.

jev warzone 2

Also, they added a combat record, although I don't think I can even look at my combat record in Warzone. Yeah, so we got a 1.29 KB file. It used to be higher before I ran into all the launchers, and shite, they have a point total of 2–8. Win loss Baby, I don't give a flying shit about winning.

The prize is unlocking my camera. You have to ask yourself, "What does winning on Call of Duty do for you in a public match?" What do you win? Also, there is no viral article out there of somebody winning a game, yet there are thousands of articles out there of high-kill gameplays, so not only do you get no reward and no rank, but nobody cares, like, "Did it reset my loadouts?" I did not have an STB class.

There's just no reason at all to win. I see people that play ranked games all the time ask about why Call of Duty players don't care about winning the game. There's no reason for what's winning—getting good gameplay. A good game isn't about winning; a good game is about high kills. That's how it's always been.

modern warfare 2

It's not some new nonsense either; it's always been this way. What in the shite do I want to take the rocket launcher with me? I feel like it might be kind of useful, so the TTK on this game is actually kind of the number one thing that I'm noticing immediately. I do kind of like the looting. It is a little bit different, but I do like the looting.

The ttk on this stuff feels incredibly fast, though it feels like people can't even react to getting shot; see, this door is open; there's somebody under. I am so shit I genuinely thought I was already I mean. I mean. I do love the proximity chat, but I don't want a teammate in solos, man. That's why I'm playing solo; it could have some fun interactions, but I absolutely hate it.

Okay, got one left; good job, yo, good shite. stronghold's open, so here's the issue. I think I only have a pistol, though this vehicle is moving over here and there are definitely people here. This guy pulled up to it; he probably already has it; someone is probably in here right now. I just got it.

modern warfare 2 season 1

Fast, okay well, basically, you clear the whole thing and then you defuse the bomb, and when you defuse the bomb, it opens up an inventory that gives you your sh*t. Loadout My game just crashed again, and I don't even know why. I might make a article of me potentially struggling solo to get the M13.

I could get lucky maybe at four in the morning or something like that, but I don't know that you have to go into the DMZ to get the M13. A lot of people are partying, so I won't even party. I'll just go in there by myself. It's a mission that's possible.

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